Lila's Christmas Story Pt 3

Start from the beginning

"You truly didn't believe anything was going to happen to you because of all that you did?" Cat Noir looked Lila straight into her eyes. "Karma is a bitch, and it comes back to everyone. You and Alya will both suffer as you should while everyone else will try to get back to normal after ruining their lives." Cat Noir walked to an open window. He turned back around.

"If you are truly from the past, please learn from your mistakes and avoid this at all costs. This reality wasn't worth all the lies you told, nor how many you messed up. When, or should I say if, you go back, do better and be a better person." The black cat was now gone, leaving Lila in the dusty building alone on the floor.

So her lies wouldn't get her where she wanted at all, and Alya tried to turn on her! 

In all fairness, Lila turned first. The black kwamii nearly made Lila scream at their sudden appearance. "What happened to Marinette's friends?" Plagg sighed as he morphed their surroundings. At every explanation, the scenery changed.

"Chloe moved with her mother to New York for a change of scenery. She was one of the closer people to Marinette, especially after she was forgiven, and wanted to remain a good person. She is currently learning about managing a business and is trying to get her mother to dedicate a fashionline for Marinette."

"Sabrina ended up staying here to learn about being a police officer so this incident doesn't happen again. She felt like she didn't do anything for Marinette, so she wanted to save other lives before they ended up like her."

"Juleka, Luka, and Ivan made their own band. Rose left earlier because of your lies and her breakup with Juleka, and never could ask to join again without feeling guilty. The trio has performed a number of songs, and Luka even dedicated a song to his deceased girlfriend. He plays it for her every day at her grave." Plagg made sure to glare at Lila with that note.

"Adrien moved to London to be with his cousin. That Natalie woman knew his father would have kept him in the house so she sent him away so he wouldn't be alone and had someone who would actually keep him company. The two model together, and Adrien even considered joining the band with his old friends on piano, or would become a pianist himself. He plays many sad songs though, so who knows if he will actually sell."

"Kagami ended up going back into her perfectionist routine until her mother could tell her daughter was having a mental breakdown. She made her daughter tell her everything and demanded she had a sleepover with a friend or two so she doesn't undergo any unhealthy habits. She is doing better now, and is constantly telling herself to take a break, because that's what Marinette would have wanted."

"Aurore and Nino actually started dating. Your lies actually broke up a toxic relationship between Nino and Alya, so that's the only thing I would thank you for. Aurore runs another blog like the Ladyblog, but better and she actually checks her sources and cites them! Nino is a DJ and recently released a playlist full of Marinette's favorite songs, along with the same songs having remixes or mashups with others that he knew Marinette would have loved. He was originally going to gift it for her birthday, but he never got the chance." Another glare. "The music is sometimes featured in the background of Aurore's videos."

"Nathaniel and Marc became closer, since their best friend and cousin died. They made a comic in memory of Marinette and it instantly became popular. Any money they make they split between the Dupain-Chengs or donate it to charity."

"Anyone else involved is either still grieving, attempting to move on, or are straight up into a depression. If they are like your ex-teacher Buster or Damn Man, they are currently unemployed and having their lives crumble under them." Plagg looked Lila up and down. "You've really done it this time."

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