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Two months, it's been two months since Buck cut all contact with us why? He should be here for his birthday, he should be at home with us I wanted to keep him safe wait till he was off the blood thinners now I don't know if he's staying safe I was to busy making sure he didn't risk his life that I drove him away. God what did I do why did I do it why did I keep him away nothing has been the same. 

I send him another email as my body aches as I have been working way to much trying to distract myself from the abrupt leaving Buck wishing I had done everything different wishing I allowed him back. god why am I so stupid why didn't I stop him from leaving? 




"Crap Ghost you still got it, ten shots in 6.4 seconds holy fucking shit." Spitfire huffs out as we pack up to head off to the next target and hopefully it will come faster this time but god I love being back in field forgetting all about stateside the people in stateside except Hen she the only one I won't forget the one friend I have. "Eh just doing what I am trained to do." I shrug cleaning the sniper when Fireball huffs shaking his head making me look at him confused. "Spit it out Fireball what?"

"See...never mind."

"Fireball!" I growl and he looks at me and sighs shaking his head. "You never allow people to notice your achievements Ev, you never take credit for what you do and you need to be selfish once and awhile." I scoff rolling my eyes ignoring him with a straight face as we walk to where our car is. "Ghost."

"So what man, what I don't brag what is wrong with that?" I snap and they don't flinch use to it we all snap at each other ten times a day so we know not to take it to heart. "The fact that your a fucking push over at times and I hate seeing my god damn brother being walked over you, that Diaz used you for his own gain. I mean he only ever called you to watch his kid and he knew you had feelings for you, I mean I fucking texted him on your phone that you had feelings for you when you were asleep. His response so were just friends."

I look at him dropping my bag shaking my head now...now I am pissed. "Your dumbass did what!" I yell officially pissed off at him rubbing my face and clinching my fist tightly as I am seething. "You were a sad lost fucking Puppy Ev, you needed to tell him you sat on the couch depressed more than ever and he hurt you they hurt my little brother. They ate away at you the only time you were ever happy was when you went to see Hen only time you came home smiling!" I look away from him shaking my head. "W-We just hit a rough patch Sawyer that all." 

"Really a rough patch where you leave in the middle of the night and did what Ghost does best disapears, hides runs you went Ghost mode kid so are you gonna tell us what really happened because it makes me think your story is bull shit you only go full on Ghost like that for three reasons and three reasons only."

I bite my lip grabbing my things and start walking again shaking my head at them. "Ghost, you got to tell us what is going on with you, your our brother for fuck's sake and your hurting!" Spitfire yells out.

"I'm fine ok, don't wanna talk bout it!" I say not looking back not making eye contact when Death grabs me by the wrist. "You might be higher in command Evan Buckley but as someone who seen you grow up since you were 17 I am pulling the mother card on you! What has you so god damn jumpy, what made you go ghost mode what broke the camels back!" I shake my head not saying anything when I climb in our bus we had waiting putting my things next to me. 

"Ev, what happened the night before you signed up now that I think back to that night you were crying, not a sad cry but a pain sob like you were hurt." Fireball says I don't say anything in response I refuse to say anything. "Evan, either you fess up or we strip you and check for new scars or deep bruises that are almost faded you choose."

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