HP🫧- Girl Advice

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Tags for funsies!! GN Reader but Harry comes to you for advice so take it how you will?? No house specified, no angst! Purely Harry being a simp and u making fun of him lol

Harry has become accustomed to running into your dorm at most of his problems. This time, it was for a girl he was hopelessly in love with.
"What do girls like?"
He asked, collapsing onto your bed, out of breath from running here.

You put your book down, sliding your eyes over to glare playfully at him.
"No hi? No hello? No asking me how I'm doing? You just barge into my room and bark for advice?" You tease, crossing your arms with a grin. Harry blushed slightly, but smiled sheepishly in return, "sorry! I was just... in a rush."
The young wizard looked rather nervous, clearly you had been his first thought for advice.

"So I've gathered," you roll your eyes, sitting up and fully looking at Harry, "what girl's got your mind in a twist?"
Harry gulped, before answering your question whilst averting his eyes.
"You know Ginny Weasley?"
He asked awkwardly.

You grin. Ron'll get a kick out of his friend crushing on his little sister, "Ron's sister? How sweet," Harry nodded, gaze trained at your bedding.
"Yeah, she's really kind, and gentle, and..."
He suddenly went silent as your grinned widened.

Harry flushed even harder, clearly embarrassed at your teasing, "shut up. You don't know anything."
Harry tried to defend himself desperately, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing like a child.
"How mean! I offer advice to my best friend, and I call him harmless names, and he insults me!" You cry dramatically, fanning your face to keep your very fake tears at bay.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What do I say to her, [NICKNAME]!"
He whined, flopping against the bed and covering his face with his hands. You roll your eyes, dropping the theatrics and thinking while the Gryffindor boy continues to roll around and sigh like he's in a forbidden love story.

"Ginerva's really really smart, and she's super nice. But she's pretty shy–"
"Ginerva?" Harry asked, sliding his hands from his face and pushing himself up to sit on the bed, "her name's Ginny."
You stare him dead in the eyes, tilting your head. There's no way he doesn't even know his crush's real name.

"Her full name is Ginerva."
"But Ginny and Ginerva are different. They're different names," he protests, eyebrows furrowed.
"Your real, government name is Harold. But we call you Harry. Both of you have similar nicknames. I cannot believe you of all people are the Chosen One."

He glares at her, before huffing and turning his head to look out the window.
"We'll talk about that later. How do I confess?"
"Right. Forgot you were madly in love with her."
Harry groans, slapping your arm and rolling back onto the bed, "I'm not 'madly in love with her'—" he grumbles, "I just think she's pretty. And cute."
He hisses back defensively. You shake your head, rubbing your face at the boy's words.
"Well don't tell her either of those. Not out the gate, at least," you tease, before coming up with actual advice.

"I'd say to just... start off with being friends. Maybe ask her for school help? She's real smart. And! You refuse to do any homework for muggle studies because you think you shouldn't have to take it 'cause you lived as a muggle for most of your life," you suggest genuinely, shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess that's a good idea," Harry said, sounding nervous, yet hopeful.
"That means I at least have a chance, right?"
He asks, looking for reassurance in you.
"You have a chance with pretty much everyone. You're literally a celebrity, remember?" You tap his scar, making him look up at his forehead and then back to you.
"Right, right.." he mumbles, fiddling with his hands before piping up again, "but that doesn't mean that everyone likes me."
He sighs, groaning at his own pessimism and running a hand down his face.

"But Ginny likes you. Because she's nice. She's a good person. And she will see you past your fame, and see you as just another guy. Because she's good like that." Harry smiled at your encouraging words, hyping himself up and sitting up fully in your bed.
"Yeah...you're right," he said, sounding relieved, "I'll just try talking to her. As friends, first, and see how it goes."
He decided, sounding rather nervous, yet hopeful.

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right!" You grin, before patting his back.
"Don't sweat it too much, 'Kay? If anything, confidence is truely key. I know that it's a dumb motto, but you'd be surprised at what you can do if other people think you know what you're doing."
Harry nodded in agreement.
"Yeah...you're right again."
He said, still feeling a bit nervous.

He looked at the clock on your wall, before sliding off the bed and standing up.
"Well, I've got to go. I promised to meet Hermione for a study session right after lunch," he adds, walking towards the door.
"I'll tell you how things go later during dinner, alright?" You nod, waving goodbye and picking your book up again.

"Tell Hermione I said 'hi', and that I apologize for your stupidity in advance."
"Sure, sure. I'll do that."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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