°˖✧˚ʚ Six ɞ˚✧˖°

Start from the beginning

I still remember that day, Katsuki smiled to himself, "I'm so sorry Eijiro! I'm so sorry!"

"That's okay Kacchan, it doesn't hurt that much."

"But... you were crying. Look at your face, it's all covered in tears!"

"Ow, don't pinch my cheek! That hurts!"

"Sorry... again."

"It's okay! It will probably make me look tough."

"If it makes you feel better. Still I like the rock that you gave me. It wasn't like I didn't."

"Oh well, I'm happy you did! I was going to take it back, but I guess I don't have to now!"

"Thank you so much for the rock. I'll always keep it with me!" Young Katsuki hugged the little boy that was in front of him.

"You're welcome!" Young Eijiro exclaimed, hugging the blonde back with one of his little arms.

The rock will do. The rock is what he gave me, so the rock is what I'll end with.

As the male's thoughts seemed to cease to exist from the old memory, he picked up the rock and held it over his head. Though it wasn't a big rock, it was enough to get the job done. Before he could even drop it however, something swooped into his window and held the rock to remain in the air. It was no surprise to who it was, especially since he was practically illuminating the whole room. But instead like every other time, Izuku wasn't saying a word nor was he looking Katsuki in the eye.

"What's wrong with you?" Katsuki asked with an attitude.

"Nothing, I have things on my mind. What's wrong with you?" Izuku replied monotony.

"Tc- nothing, if you don't wanna be here then go home!"

"I don't have a choice. I'm doing my job as your Guardian to protect you and keep you safe. Not that I don't want to protect you and help you, but I was just thinking about my home and how everything works. I'm not really focused right now, but don't hurt yourself. I may not know the reason why humans do such horrible things to their fragile skin and precious bodies like life is some sort of cruel punishment that you can't escape from, but I see your lives as something beautiful, something that has so many things that lie in store. I see birth, learning, friends, love interests, couples, marriage and then it starts all over again. The hardships are just temporary, and if you keep pushing people away, you won't get any better and the hardships just seem to take over. I guess what I'm thinking of, Kacchan... you."

Katsuki's face melted from annoyance, to confusion, to empathy. He deeply sighed as he put his rock back in his bookshelf's drawer and covered it up with the book before sitting on his bed and patted the edge next to him, "Sit."

Izuku slowly walked over to the bed and sat down, a bit uncomfortable and not knowing what to do or say. Luckily, Katsuki broke the silence for him.

"Go ahead, speak. You sound like you need to let stuff out, so hurry up and spill."

"O- alright. Back when I was younger and didn't know about Client choosing, me and my friends picked the humans we wanted to be Guardians for. When it was my turn, I chose a boy with blonde hair, red eyes, and a very confident personality. I didn't know you were the one I chose but I really wanted to be your Guardian, more a friend at the age I was at. I hope you don't find me creepy or anything like that, but I watched you from the clouds, seeing you grow up until I reached the age of ten, when I wasn't allowed to watch anymore and focus on training. So when I found out I got you as a Client, I was happy. But ever since our first day meeting each other, I felt as if I was a burden to you. You don't want me around and you only saw me as something that gets in your way. So I feel that one day you'll push me away so far that I'll get unassigned as you being my Client. I could only imagine what you would do after that. There are many people who want to help you, including me. I just wish you could see that."

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