10: Summertime

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(Was meant to do this chapter before but lmao, the actual chapter didn't match the title 🌝)

"Are you sure you want to go through the desert? It's quite sunny out."

"I'm sure." Tighnari said. He held the straps of his bag. "Redcrest are best to get during the daytime."

"You know, I could just fetch them by myself. I don't think you need to come with." Cyno said.

"Cyno, you have bad judgement." Tighnari scoffed. "My sense of smell will determine what's good and what needs more time to grow."

"My judgement is good."

"Judgement for punishing sinners, yes. Aside from that, I'll just back out if the heat gets to me." Tighnari said.

"..Alright." Still, that didn't relieve Cyno's concerns. He thinks to make sure to keep a good eye on Tighnari. The fox's body language will tell him if it's too much.

"Take care of my master, General Mahamatra!" Collei complained.

"Sure." Cyno said.

Tighnari took a deep breath as the two were just entering the desert. He was a fennec fox, and fennec foxes have big ears that are supposed to rid of heat collecting in the body. However, Tighnari's ears have fur in them, issuing a blockage for the hot air. His body wasn't good at releasing heat, the biggest of the issue being that his fur was quite long and thick.

"If you change your mind, just let me know-"

"Cyno, I'm fine." Tighnari said. "Don't worry about me so much."

"I will do exactly that." Was all Cyno replied with.

"Anyways. Redcrest are found on cactus, so look for those." Tighnari said.

"Watch out for scorpions." Cyno warned him.

Tighnari inhaled. Protective as ever.. It has been a while since I had gone to the desert, after all.


"Yes? Are you done?" Cyno immediately responded, turning in the fox's direction to see..

"Can you eat these?" Tighnari would ask. He was holding a desert scorpion by the tail. It looked dead. No wait, it was twitching.

"I.. I wouldn't recommend it." Cyno cringed at the thought of eating a scorpion.

"I've heard that scorpions are a high source of protein, also rich in unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. And don't their exoskeletons contain chitin? I should write this in my research book." Tighnari would think, looking at the giant scorpion in his hand.

"At least cook it if you're gonna eat it." Cyno slouched over, very uncomfortable.

"I think I'll focus on that later, we still have the Redcrest to collect." Tighnari continued carrying the scorpion by the tail as he walked in Cyno's direction.

"Don't come towards me with that." Cyno stepped back.

"It's practically dead, Cyno."

"Just hold it away from me." Cyno went on the side that wasn't with the scorpion.

"I'm holding it by the tail, it can't sting you." Tighnari said.

"Their pincers can stun you. It'll hurt badly for days if you get stung by it." Cyno said.

Tughnari went and ripped the pincer off and threw it on the ground. "There, you happy?"

"Ew.." Cyno wanted to throw up. He seemed traumatized. "That poor scorpion."

Within Our Friendship // Cynonari // Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now