bail | eunseok

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you were asleep in bed, and beside you was eunseok who was hugging you from behind.

suddenly his phone rings.

" hello. "

you opened your eyes feeling him shift beside you and sit up.

" okay sir, i'll be right there. "

you sat up and turned to see his muscular bare back facing you.

" who was that? " you ask sleepily.

" police station, wonbin and sohee got arrested for fighting i need to bail them out. " eunseok runs his hand through his hair.

you got up quickly along with eunseok and got dressed, heading down to the station.


" lee sohee and park wonbin " eunseok says to the front desk lady.

" id please. " she says.

as eunseok reached for his wallet, two police officers pinned a man onto the wall, aggressively shouting at the man..

you gasped under your breath and held onto eunseok's hand tight.

" bail will be 6,000 dollars, the charge will be for assault. " the lady says.

you grabbed eunseok's arm, shocked at the amount..

" okay, how can i pay? " he asks.

" card, cash, whatever. " she says.

eunseok nods and handed a credit card.


you and eunseok has been waiting for about an hour, you laid your head on his shoulder and sighed.

you both hear a metal door open, revealing two teenagers in hoodies and a beat up face.

eunseok stood up and grabbed sohee and wonbin's ear, pulling it hard.

" the two of you better have a good fucking explanation for why me and y/n had to wake up at 2am to come all the way down here. " eunseok scolds.

you looked at sohee and wonbin's face.. sohee had a bruised eye and a busted lip while wonbin had a broken nose and a bleeding wound on his forehead.

" let's go in the car. " you tell them.

in the car,

" this fucking dude just started throwing punches asking to start shit up! we were just protecting ourselves!! " sohee defends himself.

" you looked cool when you threw that chair on his head " wonbin smiles at sohee, laughing at him.

" i don't know how to explain this to your moms " eunseok groans.

you looked over at him driving and rubbed the back of his head.

" so you guys fought 4 men cause they got excited at the football game and accidentally spilt their beer at you?? " you turned to them and asked.

" accidentally??? they did that shit on purpose!! " sohee exclaimed.

" fuck that!! they fucking fought us when we confronted them and wanted an apology for getting beer all over my designer jacket! " wonbin says.

you and eunseok looked at each other and sighed.

" you both owe me and y/n 3,000 dollars each. " eunseok says.

" THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS?? " they both yelled.

" yeah, your bail was 6 thousand dollars each person. " you nodded.

" i took that money out of our honeymoon funds. pay me back or else i'll tell your moms. " eunseok threatens.

" ahh!!! no! we will pay it back. " sohee shakes his head.

" yeah! by.. next week! " wonbin grins.

you smiled at the cheeky teenagers.


" yall are crashing here, take the couch or the floor. get a taxi and go home when you guys wake up. " eunseok says.

you yawned and went to the bedroom with eunseok following closely behind.

" ugh i've never been more angry at them ever before. " he takes off his coat.

" you're angry? you seem so calm " you say.

" calm? i'm so close to killing them. " eunseok huffs.

you smiled and backhugged him.

" ugh, and we have to wake up in 2 hours to go to your parents house for the new year. " eunseok rubs his eyes.

" let's go to bed now " you pat his arm.

he nods and laid down, quickly drifting asleep.

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