Isabelle Rooney

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Name: Isabelle Rosalie Rooney

Birthday: September 30, 1998

Age: 14-15 (season 1)
15-16 (season 2)
16-17(season 3)
17-18 (season 4)


Pete Rooney (Father)
Karen Rooney (Mother)
Olivia "Liv" Rooney (older sister)
Madison "Maddie"Rooney(older sister)
Joseph "joey" Rooney (Twin brother)
Parker Rooney (Younger Brother)

Hobbies: Writing, poetry, Art




Izzy wizzy

Little Rooney


Raven beauty


Baby girl

Physical traits:

Eye color: blue

Hair color: Raven

Heights: 4'9

Personality: competitive, blunt, confident, sometimes is bossy, can be very stubborn and hard-headed, vulnerable, she can be sweet but only her family sees that, respectful, struggles to show emotions which is her downfall

(Bed is in the Attic and has stairs that fold into the wall outside of Liv and Maddie's room)

(Bed is in the Attic and has stairs that fold into the wall outside of Liv and Maddie's room)

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I assume Parker would have made some like remote so they would come out automatically

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I assume Parker would have made some like remote so they would come out automatically

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