Chapter Thirty Seven - Forgive Me?

Start from the beginning

"Harry I am so sorry!" Ginny blurted out wanting to get her point across before she chickened out.
"Me too," Harry sighed. "I should not have stormed off this morning and-"
Ginny shook her head. "You did nothing wrong Harry. I lied to you and I took money from the account without clearing it with you."
"It's both our money, you don't have to clear -"
"Oh yes I do because if it was you who took such a large amount, I would be bloody furious!" She cut him off. "I should have told you. I was going to tell you but I panicked. I know it was a mistake. I should not have given Ron so much. Especially now I know he bloody gambled it away. I just...I felt like he needed me. Like he was spiralling, and I needed to help him before I lost him. I couldn't lose another brother. I... I...hated watching him suffer. And he completely fooled my parents into thinking he was on the mend when he wasn't. I..." she hung her head. "I was stupid, and I made everything worse!"

Harry took her hand in his and used his other hand to caress her cheek. "Ginny, it was never about the money. That is not why I was upset. I was annoyed that you didn't trust me enough to tell me."
"I thought," Ginny sobbed. "If I told you that you wouldn't trust me any more. And I couldn't bear that. But I was a damn fool."
Harry smirked. "Yes you were." Ginny looked up at him, her lip wobbling. "You were a fool for thinking I would ever not trust you." He squeezed her hand. "I love you, you bloody idiot! I would have been angry but if you had told me, we could have worked something out. Worked out a way to help Ron and to get him help at the same time. He needs professional help Ginny."
Ginny nodded as she scooted closer to her husband. "I am so sorry for everything. I wish I could change what I did. I wish I could go back and make it right." Her shoulders slumped.

"We will make it right," Harry said, leaning in towards his wife. "Together we will do whatever we can to help Ron. Of course, we will. We can come up with a plan together."
"Together," Ginny nodded. "I am so sorry for ruining this weekend. I knew how important it was to make amends with Hermione. You wanted your sister back in your life and I almost jeopardised that for you. I have no excuse other than I was defending my brother, and I was an ass!"
Harry leaned in and kissed her. "This weekend wasn't ruined. I managed to get Hermione back in my life and I made a whole group of new friends in the process." He looked to the Slytherin's. "She is happy. If nothing else, if she didn't want to know me after what happened the fact that I can see how truly happy she is, would be enough. But I feel complete having her back. Like she was the thing I was missing for years."

Ginny looked at the group too, watching as Draco was giving Hermione apple chunks to give to the Squid as Luna snapped pictures. "She does seem happy. And they seem like a great group of people. I am glad Hermione and Luna found them."
"They are pretty great," Harry agreed. "I can't believe these were the same people we used to fight and argue with. The ones we would make fun of. They really have changed Gin. So much."
"I can see that," Ginny smiled. "But I knew they were as soon as I saw Luna and Hermione with them. Hermione was always a good judge of character and Luna brings out the best in everyone she meets."

There were a few minutes of awkward silence between the two as they were both lost in their own thoughts. But after a few minutes, Ginny looked to her smiling husband. "So what about us?" She asked shaking. She couldn't bring herself to look up at him so she kept herself busy, picking a blade of grass up and twirling it in her fingers. "Are we going to be OK?" She had to know, but she was terrified of what he would say.
Harry however surprised her by kissing her. A sweet and simple kiss before taking her cheeks in his hands. "Gin, no matter what happens to us in this life, I will always love you. You are my soulmate and the one I will always want by my side. We are going to be OK. I promise you."
"And you don't hate me?"
"Not even if I tried."

"What about the money?" Ginny asked.
"It won't exactly break the bank," Harry smirked. "Won't even put a dent in it. We are fine." She sighed. He wasn't wrong. With the inhritance he had from his parents and the inheritance he got from Sirius, Harry was actually very well off. And Ginny playing for the Holyhead Harpies for 7 years before leaving to start her family, meant that she had saved up quite a bit of her own fortune and she had deals with radio shows, tv shows (on wizarding sports channel) and she frequently wrte guest articles for the Daily Prophet. She had quite a bit of money to her name as well. Not as much as Ron, but together they had more than enough for a few generations of Potter. Neither needed to work but did so because they felt it was th eright thing to do. Show James that you have to work hard to achieve your dreams.

"Actually I was going to speak to your parents about paying some more off the debt. Just to ease the burden. I would rather Ron owe us than owe some loan sharks."
Ginny gasped at this. "No, Harry, you can't do that. It's too much."
"It's nothing. Let me talk to Molly and Arthur first," he said as Ginny jumped forward, wrapping both her arms around her husband and kissing every inch of his face.

"Harry James Potter, I LOVE YOU!" She shouted as she hugged him tightly. She was fully aware that there were quite a few people, more than just the group, watching them now, wondering why she was shouting so loudly. But Ginny didn't care. She wanted everyone to know.
"I love you Ginny Potter," Harry chuckled as he kissed her back, just as enthusiastically.

"And we love you both," Hermione called over. "But it's time for lunch and Theo gets very moody if he isn't fed as soon as the lunch bell chimes.
Theo sighed dramatically placing the back of his palm over his forehead. "She is right, of course. I need to eat lots and often or I am an emotional wreck." He sighed heavily and protended to faint. If I don't eat at least every hour, I become a wild card. Dangerous to others."
"More like a pain to others," Pansy rolled her eyes. "He becomes moody, whiney, yappy and a downright bloody baby. I swear I know toddlers with more self control than this fully grown man."
"That's why I always carry snacks in my bag," Daphne chuckled holding up a large zipped see through bag, like a makeup case, which had Theo's name on it. "And he is all out by now so we better feed him quickly."

Harry took his wife's hand holding it in his own and pulled her to her feet as the tentacle slid back into the murky water. He flicked his wand and the blanket disappeared and slipped his wand back into his pocket as they headed off towards the castle with everyone else.

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