Taking over Pratiksha?

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After hearing this, Siya Rastogi's mind went blank...before it exploded...

"President, let me explain..."

"What is there to explain? You used the resources provided by the company to help your brother, did you think we wouldn't find out? Secret was originally one of our resources. If one of our own models appeared on the front cover this issue, the Oriental Trend would have been under our own control, but what did you do instead? Siya Rastogi, prepare the compensation for breaching your contract."

After speaking, he hung up the phone; not allowing Siya Rastogi the chance to redeem herself.

Siya Rastogi was dumbfounded as she dropped her arms. Her mouth continuously mumbled similar words, "It's over...everything is over. My career...is also over."

" Didi ...what happened?"

"It was all because of you!" Siya Rastogi screamed with all her might, "Because of you, I was fired. On top of that, I have to pay 10 million dollars for breaching my contract...10 million US DOLLARS!"

Vikrant and Payal were stunned...they never expected the consequences would be so dire.

"Not only that, I will also be blacklisted. Do you know what that means? It means...in the US, I can no longer make a living here. All the effort I have put in over the years has all been wasted." After Siya Rastogi was finished screaming, she dropped to the floor bitterly. At this moment, she was filled with regret and hate. Why did she help this useless brother? Why did she help Payal go against Pratiksha?

"Didi...you haven't lost everything, you still have me."

"Go away! You only have Payal in your eyes," Siya Rastogi pushed Vikrant away.

"Didi...I will help you."

"Fine, if you want to help me, then...help me pay off half of the compensation for breaching my contract. Also, I want to become Pratiksha's manager. If you guys won't support her, then I will. I am going to use Pratiksha to help me make a comeback," Siya Rastogi snapped. "Do you have the courage to agree to this?"

Vikrant and Payal glanced at each other; this was absolute nonsense. Not only would he not allow his sister to help an enemy, even if they were to agree, there was no way Pratiksha would allow it. However, on the surface, he still had to find a way to brush her off, so he used Pratiksha as an excuse,

"I can help you with your compensation by selling some shares, we will get over this together. However, if you think about how we previously treated Pratiksha, there is no way she would let you become her manager. Plus, she already has Nancy."

"How does Nancy compare to me? Since Rastogi can no longer control Pratiksha's progress, then why don't we personally help her to the top? At least that way we can boost our own reputation. Most importantly, I can keep an eye on Pratiksha; this is like killing THREE birds with one stone!" Siya Rastogi was dreaming about controlling Pratiksha.

She was full of hate and an unwillingness to accept defeat. She wanted to see, if she was to become Pratiksha's manager, whether Pratiksha could still do as she liked.

Listening to Siya Rastogi's reasoning, Vikrant started to reconsider: even if they couldn't suppress Pratiksha, at least Siya Rastogi would be able to stop Pratiksha from causing trouble. If he was to agree to this, he and Payal would be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Didi , I'll agree to it."

"You guys return to India first, after I've sorted everything out here, I will come back and take over Pratiksha."

Taking over Pratiksha? Let's see if Moksh would allow that!

"OK..." Vikrant replied.

Payal wasn't happy with this decision. She couldn't believe they were going to personally make Pratiksha famous. However, this incident with Secret Magazine, was indeed her fault for implicating Vikrant and Siya Rastogi. So, at this point, there was nothing she could say; all she could do was look at Vikrant with a sulky expression, "Don't you want me anymore?"

"What are you talking about? You saw it too, there is no way we can suppress Pratiksha. Let's leave it to my sister to handle her, that way we can have some time to relax. Payal, I won't give up on you."

Payal thought, as long as she still had Vikrant in her grasp, she would still eventually become the first lady of Rastogi. If this was to happen, she would have a chance for a comeback.

As for Pratiksha spreading her wings, they still had plenty of time!

On the same day that afternoon, KLA agency released an announcement about canceling their contract with Siya Rastogi. During their announcement, they pointed out three major mistakes she made and claimed they would chase her for compensation. They also announced they would be blacklisting her.

Of course, she was only a manager, even if she was to break ties with her company, it wouldn't cause much commotion. However, upon seeing this news, Pratiksha was surprised. Her gaze unconsciously turned towards Moksh. This man...he really couldn't help himself.

ISN's photo shoot was nearing and as it was to be located in Delhi , Pratiksha had to immediately return to India .

This time, Pratiksha finally didn't have to catch the same flight as Vikrant and Payal. Also because of her fame in the US, her fans no longer had to hold back their cheers. Her fan club even organized an event for all the fans to welcome her at the airport. So, early in the morning, the airport was completely packed.

"Pratiksha, did you know Vikrant and Payal are also flying today?" Nancy asked while they were on the way to the airport.

"Yeah, I know...so, you should know what to do, right?"

Pratiksha was reading the newspaper while holding onto Moksh's hand. Previously, when she flew to Hyderabad , Payal had revealed her schedule online and got anti-fans to cause her trouble. This time, Payal was returning defeated and had become a joke in the industry; she definitely needed to pay her back. How could she be considered a joke until she experiences being surrounded by anti-fans?

"Pratiksha, you still haven't used the information about Payal being pregnant, what do you plan to do?" Sudiksha suddenly asked.

Payal's pregnant? Nancy thought.

"All along she's been aiming for the Top Ten Model Awards. But, don't forget about the selection criteria. Pregnant women...aren't qualified to receive an award," Pratiksha replied calmly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's just release it..."

"According to Payal's personality, she will definitely use whatever means to qualify. I'm going to wait until she appears on stage to receive the award...at that time, I'll send her to her grave."

After hearing what Pratiksha said, Sudiksha understood.

To receive something and immediately lose it...this was the true experience of pain.

Above all, until the day Payal receives an award, Rastogi would still feel like she has hope. So by making her receive it and then lose it, was the only way to guarantee she wouldn't be able to make a comeback - the Top Ten Model Awards only gave each model one chance.

Moksh held onto Pratiksha's hand tightly the entire time, because he knew, even though Pratiksha had made Payal into her backdrop, it still would not be enough to satiate the pain she had previously received; she would continuously pick away at Payal, until...the day came when Payal no longer had the strength to revive herself and Vikrant completely gave up on her. She wanted Payal to experience being thrown away.

Moksh didn't want to see Pratiksha so depressed, so he pulled out his phone and looked for the photos he took the night before. He then handed his phone to Nancy, "Place this photo online..."

It was a photo of Payal kneeling on the ground...

A photo of Payal at her lowest point...

Nancy looked at the scheming couple as her and Sudiksha both gave a sly smile.

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