Girls (and Boys) on Film

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"I know it's the day after Valentine's Day, but these are for you." Ryder's at my locker, holding a big bouquet of blood red roses.

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him on the cheek. "How sweet." I smile and take them from him.

"Come on," He puts his arm around my shoulder. "it's time for you to meet Mr. Schue."

Ah, the famous Will Schuester. The choir director. Finn was only temporary.

"Fun." I say, fixing my gaze on the beautiful roses.

Suddenly, we're surrounded by a group of football players.

"Welcome to McKinley, loser!" One of them shouts, and on cue, Ryder and I are covered from head to toe in red slush.

It goes down inside my shirt and stings my eyes and gets in every single place it can manage to get into. And the best part is that I'm wearing a thin, light colored shirt and a really really bright colored bra.

I wipe my eyes, and it takes all my might to not punch one of them in the face.

Ryder takes me by the shoulders and guides me away.

"The hell was that?" I ask.

He opens the gymnasium doors and says, "Your 'official' welcome to Glee and McKinley."

We walk to the end and Ryder pushes open the door to the boys' locker room.

"I can't go in there. It's the guys' locker room."

He peeks his head inside. "No one's here."

I follow him like a lost puppy and he opens what I presume is his locker.

"I have some extra clothes for you." He pulls out a pair of shorts and his football jersey. Number nineteen. "You can go to the showers, back there-" He points to a small area in the back. "And I'll wait here to make sure no one comes in."

"Thank you, Ryder."

He nods and sits on a bench by the door.


"They're probably wondering where we are." I say to Ryder, shaking my hair off on him.

"Hey!" He exclaims, tossing the towel at me.

I playfully nudge him and within a minute, we're both on the floor, him on top of me, having an intense tickle war, Ryder winning.

"Stop it stop it stop it!" I shout, squirming around so that he's underneath me.

I collapse on top of him.

He giggles like a five year old and puts his arms around me. Gently, I push some of his wet, chestnut hair out of his eyes.

I fold my arms on his chest and rest my chin on my hands.

I realize that this is the kind of love I missed out on when I was with Stone. The kind where you can just gaze into each other's eyes without having to say a word.

"You're beautiful." He murmurs, smiling at me genuinely.

I blush and shake my head. "Not even close."

"Come on, Sunshine." He rubs the small of my back gently. "You are easily the most beautiful girl in this school."

"No I'm not, Ry-"

"There you guys are!" Jake walks in, Sam on his tail.

"Puckermaaaaaan." Ryder whines.

"What were you two doing?" Sam asks as we stand up and dust ourselves off.

Taking a Step in a New Direction (Glee) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now