Chapter Two

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The Mystic Grill is probably the most sought-after place in this Godforsaken town. This group of friends, in particular, find themselves here at least twice a week, goofing off and messing with random people (which is mainly Niklaus and Stefan's doing).

After dropping their bags at Niklaus' house and waiting for him to change his shoes, the gang made it to Mystic Grill twenty minutes earlier and found some seats at a large table right by the entrance, grabbing two stray chairs for Elena and Katherine, who had previously called and said they were on their way.

"So, you think Tyler will show?", Stefan asked.

Caroline was too busy holding back her puke at the sight of Niklaus and Camille swallowing each other's faces to hear what Stefan was saying. "Uh, Caroline?", he said, waving a hand in front of her very disgusted face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, what were you saying?", she asked as she quickly snapped her eyes away from the disturbing scene with a look of slight embarrassment and discomfort on her face.

Stefan sighed, feeling a bit guilty for putting her on the spot. "Nothing, it wasn't important. Are you okay, though? You seem a bit out of it."

No, Caroline was not jealous. She just knew that Niklaus was very affectionate and that she was not. PDA often made her uncomfortable and right now, there was a whole lot of it happening directly in front of her face. Stefan had knowledge of her distaste for PDA but had no idea it was this bad, as he had just watched her face ball up at it.

At Stefan's statement, Niklaus snapped out of whatever trance Camille's lips had him in and sent Caroline a nod, sniffing abruptly with a smirk. "She's disturbed. No worries, bird, I was just about to go to the loo.", he expressed with a sigh. He then got up from his seat, leaning on the chair with his arms. "If the waiter comes over here while I'm gone, one of you mind ordering me a Coke? Yes? Alright."

Not only did he not wait for an answer back before marching off in the direction of the bathroom, but he also pushed his chair in with a questionable amount of force. What could he possibly be angry about? Was he even angry? They had just gotten there. Noticing the confused looks on Niklaus' two best friend's faces, Camille spoke up.

"He's high, he didn't do it on purpose.", Camille spat.


"I'm sorry, what?", Stefan questioned as his eyebrows almost jumped off of his face. Caroline sighed and rubbed her forehead, trying to process the information that Camille had just randomly offered. All that she could think back to was that Niklaus was their ride. "And you were just okay with letting him drive here like that?"

Camille rolled her eyes. Surely this girl did not just pin this on her.

"Oh, please. Klaus is seventeen, he has his own brain. I couldn't have stopped him if I had desperately tried to, I can't even drive my damn self.", Camille said raising her voice a bit. She paused to catch herself and reel her anger back in. "He may be my boyfriend but he is still responsible for himself."

Camille may have been a year and a half older than Niklaus but she never got her license. She got so used to being driven around by her uncle, that she made no real effort to learn how to drive herself, and even if her uncle had not been available, Niklaus would come in clutch.

Caroline laughed bitterly, turning away from her to refrain from angering herself any more than the opposing girl had. Judging by her next statement, she failed. "So, let me get this straight", she started with her hands pressed together with a sarcastic smile as Stefan ran a hand over his face, knowing how this was going to end.

"Because you can't drive, instead of just not coming at all, you chose to let him put his life and all of ours in danger? Do you not think about anything or anyone but yourself?"

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