Red Hot (Anger X Reader)

Start from the beginning

"No. I just got started on my rep. There's some bike open over there-" you had begun to direct him to, but he cut you off quickly without even giving them a glance.

"I don't want to use those ones. I wanna use this one."

The confusion on your face prompted him to continue.

"I don't like the colors on those ones. So I use this one. "

It took you a moment to process that one. The colors were all basically Red green and blue. You happened to be on the red one. But other than the colors, they were all the exact same. But you sure as shit weren't gonna move. You got this this seat first. You had already input all your specs. As far as you were concerned, this was your bike for the next 45 minutes.

"Oh. Well you can use it after I'm done." You said as you began to turn your back to him. When you felt a firm grip on your shoulder, whipping you around. Oh hell no. You snapped your head at him and gave him a glare.

"Excuse me!? Don't touch me!" You bit.

Sean crossed his arms and seemed to not care in the slightest that he was pissing you off. Which only made it worse.

"I SAID I don't wanna use those other bikes," He repeated. "I wanna use this one."

"Then go use another machine! I don't care!" You argued back. 

"No. I want to use this one now! It's my leg day!"

"It's mine too! What the hell do you think im sitting here for?!"

The two of you went back and forward for a moment. And you couldn't make sense of why this was happening. This was ridiculous! Why was he being so stubborn about something so stupid! And more importantly, why were you even entertaining this!?

Sean began to reach his hand out again, seemingly to grab at you. You were gearing up to go rabid on him, when something happened that caught you both off guard. 

A large hand suddenly grabbed Sean's wrist.

You whipped your head around to see who it belonged to. Only to find, it was him! Mr. Testostorone himself!

You made to say something but were cut off by Sean's livid voice.

"Hey! Mind your own business!" He snapped.

Mr Testostorone's snort reminded you of a bull. You could've sworn you saw smoke puff from his nostrils. He spoke in a low growl, a far contrast from his usual boisterous volume. 

"I'm tryin to. But some annoyin lil pup is over here yappin' about some damn colors on a stationary bike. And it's interruptin' my gains playlist. Shut your trap."

Sean had a strange mixture of fury and intimidation on his face, as he tried to sputter some sort of retort. But was cut off by a even louder more stern growl.

"I said, shut your Trap.  One more word, and the only thing you're gonna be workin out is your jaw on a feedin tube."  As he spoke the grip on Sean's wrist grew tighter and tighter. You could've swore you heard his bones shifting under his skin from the pressure.

"Now, Here's what you're goin to do. You're gonna go to the other side of the gym with your lil tail tucked between your legs. You're gonna keep your head down like an obedient little dog, and you're gonna work on your pathetic wimpy little baby arms. And then you're gonna go home. Grab your nearest energy bar. And cry as you doom scroll on your phone, until you fall asleep. Go."

He aggressively let go of Sean's hand with a push. And sure enough, he ACTUALLY walked away. Not daring to lift his eyes to meet yours. Rubbing his wrist and no doubt nursing his wounded pride. Was he actually going to do all the things that this guy told him to?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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