Red Hot (Anger X Reader)

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Finally, you made it to the gym. It had been a long day and you were ready to blow off some steam. Taking out your aggression on the bike machine. As you entered through the glass doors, a wave of heat rushed from the inside, immediately causing you to sweat. The temperature of which rivaled even that of the hot summer's day outside. That means that HE was here today. Great. 

Your assumption was confirmed as you walked deeper into the gym and could here the loud furious sounds of a man yelling and screaming as he pumped iron. And sure enough, there he was, that guy. At the weight rack, doing reps with the entire rack. All dumbbells still present. in total, it had to have weighed at least 500 pounds. Maybe even a thousand. God he was a show off. 

And of course, as he always did, he was yelling out loud. Hyping himself impossibly higher.


He was so obnoxious. You remember a few months back when you first joined the gym, they used to have a alarm that would go off when someone was too loud while working out. This guy picked up a 100 pound weight and chucked it at the alarm full strength like a javelin.  How he was allowed to return to the gym after that was beyond you. But you theorize that it was because the managers were scared of him.

After you set up your bike and it's setting, you hopped on and started you session. Leaving you with a head on view of  testosterones incarnate.

You couldn't deny, whatever intense regiment he was on was absolutely working. He was absolutely ripped. It was fascinating. He was truly a solid mass of muscle and strength. His hair was like a flame. Fire red and absolutely blazing. He had a pair of thick black eyebrows that were always furrowed together. Creating a permanent anger. His eyes were intense. A blazing inferno that never seemed to dim. And a wide toothy grin, showing his rows of strong white teeth 

He was obnoxious, loud and intimidating. But he looked good while doing it.

Annoyed to catch yourself staring like a creep, you made the effort to look down at your phone. Focusing on trying to find something to tune out your environment and drown out your memories of what happened earlier that day.

Dealing with a bunch of assholes at work was a part of your job sure. But it didn't make it less infuriating. Their rudeness and condescension wore on you. Grated your nerves. It took everything in your power just to get through that day, and the fact you'd have to go back later was doing you no favors. You were usually able to take these sorts of days in stride. But the usual mistreatment, added on by your new incompetent boss made it particularly unbearable.

You  were just going to catch some gains. Go home. And chill. Recharge. Maybe catch up on that show you'd started recently. 

You'd finally found something to watch when you felt a hard tap on your shoulder. Surprised and a bit annoyed at the sudden contact, you whipped your head around to the source. Finding another guy you'd seen at the gym recently. He was a bulky fellow who mostly stood around taking pictures of himself during his work out. Posing with the different equipment and chatting and flirting with other patrons. You're pretty sure you recall his name being Sean.

"Uh yes?" You said trying to hide your irritation though it slipped out a bit in your tone.

Sean shifted his weight to the side and pointed at the bike you were on.

"You almost done with that?" He asked in a demanding tone. 

It hadn't even been 2 minutes since you sat down in this seat. You literally had JUST gotten there. But hey maybe he didn't know. But giving a quick glance around you, you notice. There were at  least 5 other bike machines that were completely open for use. So why was he bothering you?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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