Chapter 10

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sorry ^^"
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
"I'm sorry?" Kenji blinked a few times as confusion washed all over his frame. The boy seated on the chair on the other side of the table only looked into his drink with uncertainty in his expression.

"He asked if you're being abused at home or were abused at one point?" Dark Shadow repeated as if he thought Kenji had gone deaf right then. "Fumikage is worried about you–!"

"It's just something that I noticed yesterday and today made me more sure," Tokoyami cut off his Quirk with a pointed glare directed at it. Turning his gaze back to the blonde, Kenji could see the genuine worry in his eyes as well as the slight embarrassment. "I understand if you want to keep it to yourself. I am just a classmate after all."

"Ah, I think you've got it all wrong," Kenji hurriedly exclaimed when he realized Tokoyami was getting ready to walk away. Scratching his cheek, Kenji looked at him sheepishly. "What gave you the impression that I am being abused?"

Tokoyami stared at him long and hard with shock. Kenji supposes he was too flustered to have jumped to conclusions based on whatever he had seen, so he was glad that the bird boy has a Quirk who is more than willing to talk off his ear.

"Yesterday you were upset because that Monoma guy hit you and tried to touch you! Fumikage and I thought about the previous times we noticed you flinching at sudden movements, and today you said that you have a high pain tolerance! Not to mention–"

"That's enough, Dark Shadow." Dark Shadow could only let out a shriek as he shrunk into a small wisp sticking out of Tokoyami who was pointing his phone flashlight at him. Clearing his throat, Tokoyami looked back at Kenji. Now that his thoughts were mostly spilled out, he figured he may as well continue before Dark Shadow decided to say more unnecessary things. "I know it's not my business, and I understand why you would want to keep it to yourself, but if you are not safe at home, then I want you to get the help that you may need."

Kenji released a nervous chuckle. "I appreciate your concern, Tokoyami-san! I really do, but I can assure you that I am not, and have not been abused by my previous and current family. They are all kind people!" Clutching his cup closer, Kenji closed his eyes. "Thank you for asking though. I'm glad that there are people like you who know how to spot a victim from the little information presented to you."

The students sat in silence for a few minutes, each enjoying their coffee as they listened out for their fellow classmates to finish their exams. So far they were the only ones in the cafeteria, and as quiet as it was, Kenji was glad to bask in the calm atmosphere and file away the few notes he's taken of the boy in front of him.

Finally, Kenji brought his cup down and rested his chin on his hands. Staring was rude and creepy to most people, but now Kenji was intrigued. It didn't take long for Tokoyami to notice the curious look on his face to set down his cup as well and raise a brow.

Satisfied at having his attention, Kenji smiled. "Is it alright if I ask you something, too, Tokoyami-san?"

Hesitation washed all over his body despite how he attempted to keep his expression neutral. With a nod, Tokoyami leaned back and crossed his arms.

"Is the reason why you thought I was an abuse victim be because you were in a similar situation as well?" Ah. There's the stiffening that Kenji is so used to seeing people who don't like feeling caught.

"No." / "Yes!"

The two birds looked at each other at their differing responses. Tokoyami was glaring at Dark Shadow while it looked guilty with its hands slapped over his beak. Kenji sighed.

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