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The first time it happened, Isagi thought that a week of cramming and all-nighters was starting to catch up to him and hallucination was the first stage of it. That is, when he walked in his living room to find a red haired deity clad in armor pointing a bow to his wall clock. 

Was that weird to wake up to? Definitely, but not for Isagi’s muddled and deep fried brain. It was just a normal sunday morning: Isagi zombie walking to the kitchen to get his dose of caffeine, calling his parents, checking for school updates and slouching around until it’s time to force feed himself dinner. Nothing was really amiss, he treated it as normal to see things after staying up all night reviewing his notes. Is it scary? Could be, but Isagi knew they were just mirages and would disappear quickly once he refreshed his system. 

Until the said mirage and a red haired deity of his hallucination actually— actually targeted his wall clock and smashing it into tiny pitiful pieces with a heavy impact. It was almost impressive if everything didn’t happen in his living room. The loud crash rang to his ears like a wake up call, sending him into a flurry of panic and late— very late realization that the one standing before him is a living person! 

With wide eyes Isagi watched the stranger like a hawk, his pulse quickened. His first survival instinct is to grab a weapon which happens to be a knife and a pan because how cliche can he be. The man hasn’t noticed him yet and he badly wants to gamble that chance to run but the hallway is closer to the intruder than him. 

Do I remember an article that said one can survive jumping from the fifth floor? No, Isagi shakes his head. 

He watched in bated breath when the man stopped abusing the very wrecked wall clock, Isagi thought it was the time for him to get caught and when usually the self-fighting-defense will start. But to his horror the man turned towards the flatscreen tv and stared hard at the red dot just on the bottom right. The knife and pan were forgotten in an instant as he rushed to the living room, trembling in pure horror of what was bound to happen. Oh hell no no no no that!!— 

“Anything but that! It’s 45 inches!!” he yelled so loudly the other flinched and backed away. He stepped bravely, panting even though he’d only run a few quick steps to get to the carpeted floor of the living room from the kitchen. He swing his arm protectively. “Not this.” 

A staring competition starts on its own. Isagi felt his throat tightened, getting a proper look of the man’s appearance. He’s not really into that kind of story or troupe but can say objectively that this man is beyond gorgeous. His looks are.. otherworldly to say. 

The red haired deity seems to be the same age as him, their height didn’t have much difference. While his physique suggests defined muscles, his features above are of a beauty that can distract anyone. Long lashes that touch his cheeks when blinking, deep pink irises that gazing fiercely, the fairness of his skin accentuate the reddish pink hair, a pretty color Isagi had seen. He has a feminine look, both soft and sharp on the edges. His armor.. the armor looks beaten and some parts already corroding; there were smudges of brown and darker shade (which Isagi doesn’t have a heart to ask if it was actually blood.) 



Isagi began to squirm from his spot, quickly glancing at how silly he must’ve looked like. Defending his tv in pajamas and teddy bear socks, he feels like taking the saying ‘not all heroes wear capes’ quite literally. 

His pulse quickened once more to see the bow never left the stranger’s hand. He’s gripping it rather tightly and Isagi thought of the worst: like where should he let the arrow pierce him? Limb? Totally not, he’ll be having a hard time walking and he has an exam to pass. Arm? Maybe not his dominant arm but still pretty hard to move. His sides? But then it will hinder more mundane task— 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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