outfit | anton

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you were both getting ready to go to sungchan's wedding, you couldn't pick out what to wear..

" this? " you come out the bathroom to see anton sitting on the bed in a tuxedo, manspreading his legs.

he thought the top was quite short as he could see your pink bra underneath, he walks over to you and tries to fix it so that your bra was covering.

he pulls the top down but it sprung back up..

" not this. " he shakes his head.

you looked into your closet and pulled him inside, showing him what you could wear.

" this, this or this. pick. " you tell him.

he looked at you and hesitated.

" why are all of them so revealing?? the guys are so tall too, so one glance and you're finished. " he says.

you frowned at him and groaned.

" okay this then. " anton grabs one from the side and shows you.

" ooh!! " your face lit up.

at the wedding,

anton placed his arm around you as you interacted with people.

you often get too excited and your dress slips a little, but anton uses his hand to cover your chest.

and when people weren't looking, he pulls your dress up a little and kisses your cheek.

" i'm worried " he says.

" it's fine anton, it won't slip " you smile at him.

" promise? " he asks.

you smile and nodded, linking your pinky with him.

you enjoy the night with anton and watched as the bride and groom kissed and cut cake.

" when is my turn? " you looked at anton.

he smiles at you and pinched your arm.

" you hinting me princess? " he asks.

" now let's determine the future bride in the room, with the bouquet toss! " the mc announces.

" if i catch the bouquet you have to propose to me by the end of the year " you pinch his leg.

anton laughs as you joined the girls.

the bouquet flies in the air and landed onto your arms.

you looked down at the pink and yellow bouquet and looked up, immediately making eye contact with the bride.

you laughed and turned around to look at anton.

he smiles at you as his hyungs teased him, mouthing a good job to you.

the bride puts a tiara on your head and you smile at her.

" a little birdie told me you're gonna be engaged soon~ " she whispered.

you gasped at her and she gives a cheeky look before leaving.

you went back to anton and he smiles.

" i always keep my promises " he says.

you smile and blushed, showing him the bouquet you caught.


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i picked the dress for her

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