air b&b horror

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Y/n's pov

Then what happened I asked. Can you shut up so I can finish lavar asked. Sorry I said. Anyways he came in through that door while lil Timmy was sleeping in this very bed he said.

This one that we're sitting on Nelson asked. No nelson the floor romelo said. Can y'all shut up before timmy gets mad lavar asked. Ok nelson said. He came in with a big ax lavar said.

As lavar was telling his story I grabbed romelos arm because I was scared. Me and romelo are so close we say we're siblings. He them chopped him into itty bitty pieces lavar said.

Ew I said. What to know what he did with Timmy's chopped up body he asked. Yea nelson said. He fried him and ate him like chicken lavar said. Did he season him I asked. No he said.

Ew at least season him I said. Nelson then laughed until the lights went off and we all screamed. The door then burst open which made me scream and hug romelo.

It's ok guys the power went out my mom said. Mom I thought you were the guy who killed Timmy I said. Lavar Johnson I'm telling kendoll she said. What why he asked.

Your scaring these kids she said as I hugged her. They're 15 Marie he said. You know when the lights went off they all screamed she said. Iwhat are you supposed to do then he asked.

Uh it's a reaction when you get told a scary story she said. Mom Timmy died on my bed I said. Seriously lavar she said. Bro it wasn't that scary right nelson he said.

I think I pissed myself he said which made romelo laugh. See romelo wasn't scared Lavar said. Nah bro I'm laughing because I almost shit myself he said. Oh my god Lavar said.

Lavar I'm sleeping in the room with kendoll I said. Bro no that's my girlfriend he said. Too bad I'm telling kendoll I said. Bro lil nelson tell y/n she's being dramatic he said.

The lights then turned back on and we saw Nelson on the floor he looked dead. Oh my god Timmy killed him I said. Nah bro that story was made up Lavar said looking at Nelson.

Nelson you good romelo asked. Mom he killed Nelson I said. Lavar my mom said. We then heard a door slam. Mom who's that I asked. I don't know she said. Is it cam romelo asked.

No hes still on his plane she said. Kendoll I yelled. We then heard a scream like it was kendoll. Kendoll Lavar yelled running out the room. Lavar no I said. Me my mom and melo followed him.

We went to the room kendoll was in and Lavar was on the floor with kendoll in his arms. What's wrong with her I asked. She's dead he said. No I said hugging my mom. Yo Lavar Melo said.

What he said. Yo hit someone is behind you get up he said. No there's no the story was fake he said. I looked up and saw a masked man with an ask hovering over Lavar. Lavar move I yelled.

Lavar looked up and saw the ax. My mom grabbed me and romelo and ran down stairs as we heard Lavar yell in pain. I was getting ready to cry because I just lost nelson.

I'm scared because I didn't want to loose my mom or romelo. Ok you guys hide here my mom said as she opened the secret door in the game room. Mom stay I said.

No y/n I have to call your dad she said. Mama please I said. Y/n I'll be back she said as she closed the door. Melo I'm scared I said. Y/n we're ok he said hugging me. We lost nelson I said.

And Lavar and I know your mom is very upset about kendoll he said. The door then opened revealing my mom. Ok so he's not answering but we gotta get out of here she said.

Me and romelo quickly got up and ran torwards the door until we heard a familiar voice yelling our names. Nelson I said. He's still alive romelo said. Thank god I said. I'll get him romelo said.

Wait Melo no I said as he ran upstairs to the room. Romelo then yelled in pain and I heard a thud. I started crying because I just lost both of my friends. Mom I said. I know she said.

She opened the front door and we saw the guy with an ax. Me and my mom ran to another exit. As we did we saw another masked person. Me and my mom panicked and split up.

As I was running I ran into someone. When I looked up it was a masked person. I then started crying because my life was about to end. The masked person dropped the ax and hugged me.

Bro cam someone messed it up the other masked man said. He took off his mask revealing Lavar. I was still crying until the others came in with my mom who looked mad.

The others took off their masks revealing my dad, kendoll and romelo. Nelson bro my dad said. The one hugging me took his mask off revealing nelson. What he said. You messed it up he said.

Ok but I wasn't just gonna let her cry because we were making her think her life was about to end he said. Still my dad said. Cam you're crazy my mom said. I'm sorry he said.

Yea you better be sorry she said. It was pay back for putting make-up on me he said. Bro what nelson yelled. What my dad asked. Over makeup are you stupid nelson said. Yea I said.

I can ground you for that he said. And u can unground you my mom said. Can we go to bed kendoll asked. Yea good night my dad said going upstairs but stopped by my mom.

No sir your room is down here she said. Really he asked. Yes good night she said as we all went upstairs. Let's just say I made nelson and romelo sleep in my room because I was still scared

Idk this just came to my head

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