The blonde perks up a new spark of hope inside her "really?" he smirks knowingly "yes. She will teach you to waltz and she will also explain why she is teaching you the waltz. You get what you want and she gets to have a good time" he explains, Enid quirks a curious brow "and what is it that I want?" Cairo's smirk grows "close proximity to Wednesday for several hours." Enid felt a light blush take over her face and she looked down "right well thanks, see you later." She turns towards the door but stops momentarily "you should leave your hair as it is, I know you're an Addams but they value uniqueness and individuality, your hair is both" with a sweet smile she skips out of the room leaving a curious boy behind her.

Wednesday walked out of the bathroom, the girl forgot her clothes so she was only in a towel with her hair down and dripping lightly, she stopped in her tracks when she saw her roommate looking at her with wide eyes. "Hello Enid" she said blankly trying not to show her embarrassment "um yeah h-h-hi" she stuttered, the goth noticed her eyes travelling down slowly and smirked to herself 'this could be fun, lets tease my puppy.' Wednesday straightens her back and struts seductively towards her roommate.

She reaches the blushing wolf and reaches out to trail her fingers across her shoulder and down her arm. She feels her roommate tense against her touch but she does not pull away "something wrong Enid?" she leaned down a little to meet the werewolf's eyes her cleavage such about visible over the towel "n-n-o no-nothing" Enid's face was bright red now and her breathing was heavy, Wednesdays smirk grew and she leaned down so her mouth brushed against the shell of her ear "my eyes are further up puppy" she purrs before pulling away, she let's out a soft laugh at the blondes dumbfounded expression.

She pats the blonde's cheek softly and walks into her closet "you best get ready Enid or we will be late" she calls. Hearing shuffles she smiles knowing her tease had the desired effect, Wednesday picked out a nice outfit she may hate parties but for Enid she would put in effort. She dug around for an appropriate outfit, finally settling on a pair of cargo pants and an oversized Edgar Allen Poe sweatshirt that Enid had sent her for Christmas last year, she moved to style her hair in two braids but stopped, an idea popping into her head, she smirked softly and tossed her hair into a messy bun with two strands hanging at the front.

Nodding approvingly at her reflection she walks out of her closet and walks to her desk, she organizes her papers neatly in a pile with a paperclip from the corner of her eye she sees Thing jumping onto the desk "you look weird, nice but weird" he signed, the Addams girl rolled her eyes at the appendage "I am trying to make an effort for Enid it's only fair since she always does things for me" the hand shakes his version of a laugh "since when are you so considerate?" the hand pauses briefly and Wednesday panics "OH MY GOD YOU LIKE ENID!!!!" Wednesday grabs the hand and harshly pins him to the desk with dagger hovering over him "speak of this again and I will cut off your fingers" Thing taps his surrender against the desk and releases him "you have become rather irritating since coming back from Europe."

"And you seem to have fallen victim to the curse" he signs back "I have done no such thing now silence I want a bloody word out of you, get out1" she hisses watching the appendage scurry out of the room. Hearing the bathroom door open the raven turns swiftly only to have the oxygen be knocked out her by the sight of her roommate. Enid was dressed in a short black skirt with a slight slit on the thigh(very short and black), a white crisscross wrap tank top, a pair of black high heels and Wednesday's jacket.

'Never in my life have I seen Enid like this, I never even knew she owned any black clothing' Wednesday's mouth was slightly agape as she took in her roommate's appearance, Enid looks at her curiously "everything ok Wens?" the Latina shakes her head slightly to shake off her daze "yes I am fine." Enid hums in acknowledgement as she makes her way across the room to her desk, Wednesday's jacket falling slightly off her shoulders making her look even more gorgeous in the goth's eyes. Enid takes a black hair tie and throws her hair into a ponytail, leaving two strands out at the front just like Wednesday.

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