The Will

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I couldn't help but stare open mouthed at the plane. It was a private jet. A freaking private jet.

After we'd boarded the jet, I took a seat in first class. Yep. First class. I was practically jumping in my seat as we took off. I had a faint memory of being on a plane, just like this one. Only I was much younger, and a man was there with me. I blinked my eyes, trying to get the image out of my head. When I was younger, I'd apparently hit my head, making me lose a lot of my childhood memories. How a bonk on the head could do that I wasn't sure.

When the plane landed, a huge mansion stood in front of us. No, this wasn't a mansion. This was a castle. A palace. And there, standing in front of the gate was Grayson Hawthorne.

As he led us through the gates, I admired the structure of the estate. It was ginormous. Grayson lectured us on the history of Hawthorne House and his late grandfather.

I was so distracted that I didn't notice Grayson right in front of me. We collided and the two of us ended up on the floor. I opened my eyes to see the rude blond on top of me. Literally. His face turned red as he stared at me. I gawked back up at him, not sure what to do. Eventually he got off me, leaving me sprawled on the cold ground. He held out a hand and hoisted me up to my feet. Avery and Libby looked like maniacs trying to hold in their laughter. I was sure that my face was just as red as Grayson's.

I quickly walked with my sisters by my side as we entered the giant castle. There standing off to the side, were two boys. One of them was tall, maybe 6'2, while the other one wore a cowboy hat. Grayson led us over to them.

"Ladies, these are my brothers, Nash," he gestured to the guy in the cowboy hat. The guy gave us a lopsided grin. I hadn't taken my focus off him before he grinned again at Libby. "-and Alexander." The taller boy came and extended his hand towards Avery.

"You can call me Xander," he said. He too gave a goofy grin. The tall one is Xander, and the cowboy is Nash. I stored the information into my head as Grayson allowed us to be whisked away by a pretty lady.

"My name is Alisa, you can come to me if you need anything during your stay here." She walked with confidence and her tone didn't waver. I think I'm going to like her very much.

We followed her to a huge room called the Great Room. The three of us found a place to sit. "I'll be right back," Avery said, and the next thing I knew she was gone. I frowned at Libby, but she was busy ogling at the cowboy. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. I texted my best friend Ariel, one of my only friends at school.

C: hey girl im currently in texas at a will reading and theres three rlly HAWT boys but one of them is rude, the other is a cowboy and the last is a goof

I waited for a response, which didn't take too long.


C: yep

A: girl sometimes u make the best things that could happen seem so boring and blunt 🙄

I laughed at her response, which earned me a couple of glares from nearby people.

C: i gtg i'll text u later


I slid my phone back into my pocket as Avery walked back into the room, stone faced and very red. She sat down silently next to me. "You okay, Ave?" I asked her. She didn't look at me and stared straight ahead.

A man who looked much like Alisa walked up in front of us. "Now that we are all here," Mr. Ortega announced in a low voice, "we may begin." 

"Per Mr. Hawthorne's instructions, my colleagues will distribute the letters he has left for you." The colleagues then starting passing out letters. They handed one to Avery and I, but not Libby. I frowned at the unfairness of it.

I once again zoned out, but from the snippets I heard, it seemed that Tobias Hawthorne had left rather small amounts of money to his daughters and grandsons.  I froze and I attempted to do math in my head. Mr. Hawthorne had given two hundred fifty thousand dollars to each boy, and several thousands to his mother in law and head of security. That left almost forty-six point two billion dollars. Did that mean...

"The remainder of my estate including all properties, monetary assets, worldly possessions not otherwise specified, I leave to Cassiopeia Elle Grambs and Avery Kylie Grambs."

Time seemed to stop. Avery and I were glued to our seats. I felt everyone's eyes on us. And I knew that one of them was Grayson.

While everyone else started arguing about whether or not the will was iron clad, I looked at Grayson. He looked ready to kill. "What is going on here?" His words cut through the tension filled air, only to be swallowed by sound again.

I blinked, trying to wake myself up from this dream. Did Avery and I just become billionaires? It couldn't be true. Yet here we were in the middle of all the ruckus. Silent as the dead of night.

A Dangerous Mystery (An Inheritance Games Fanfic: Grayson Hawthorne x New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now