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I really didn't want to leave Jeremy, but my brother needed to tell me something. My brother had said on the phone, "I want to tell you first out of the family, so please hurry to Shenya's house." I told him that I would be over shortly. After Jeremy helped me put my clothes on, he kissed me and I kissed him back then I waved to him. And started walking out.

I didn't have a car, and I wasn't about to take Jeremy's car. So, I decided to walk to S friend's house. I mean I'm used to walking and I know Shenya (Keaten's friend) house isn't far away. I kept on walking and walking. It was winter, so it was cold, and I had one of Jeremy's coats on. And it smelled like him, which kind of turned me on, but I couldn't think about that now. I was walking up the Shenya's parents house and knocked on it.

Then the door opened and my brother answered it. He pushed me outside and we sat on the porch steps. He hugged his legs to his chest as he spoke softly, but loud enough only I could hear. "I wanted to tell you this for a while, but you were either busy helping Brylie, our parents or busy at school. So, here it goes i-I umm..." I knew he was having a hard time as I rubbed his back and said, "I'm always going to be here for you, so take your time." I could hear him exhale.

"Well when I saw you with Jeremy, I think that's his name, but anyways, when I saw him well grab your ass yesterday, I knew you two were dating, which made me realize that I wanted to tell you this thing first." He exhaled again and like my sister when she wanted to tell me she had a boyfriend, I know exactly what my brother wanted to tell me.

Except I couldn't say anything, because this is important that he tell me. He looks at me, and sniffles. He could be crying or sniffling because of the cold air, but either way it didn't matter. He took my hands and I smiled. He had the sad, hurt puppy dog eyes, and I knew this would be hard for him. Then he said, "I-I am um bisexual." I smile and hug him. "Oh sweetie, I know. It's kind of obvious."

He looks up at me after hugging me. "It is?" I nod and smile again. "Yeah, with the amount of time you hang out with Shenya, I kind of assumed you two were dating. And I'm happy though that you decided to tell me that your bisexual to me first. Wait are you two dating?" He smiles and nods, "Yes, we are. And there's another thing, w-we both um want to have sex, but his parents won't leave. So, I wanted to know if..." I may have interrupted him. "if I can get them out of here? Yes Keaten-darlin' I can easily get parents out for a night. Just be careful, okay?" Keaten nods and hugs me. "Thanks so much big bro." I smile and get up as he leads me inside of Shenya's parent's house.

Keaten went upstairs to see Shenya, at least that's what I thought. Then Shenya's parents came down and we took a seat on the couch. Well they took a seat on the couch, I stood behind them as I started talking in a soft calming voice. "Have you guys ever just wanted to get out of the house and get a relaxing massage, like this?" I start massaging the mom's shoulder's first. Then I massaged the father's shoulder. They were very relaxed, that's when I popped their necks to make them passed out and to sleep well.

I know that they will wake up late in the morning, feeling refreshed and relaxed. I know because I did it to my parents when my sister wanted to sneak out and the next morning they woke up feeling refreshed. I picked up the mom and carried her to her room. Then I went downstairs, picked up the father, who surprisingly felt lighter than the mom, then I carried him up stairs and laid him next to the mom.

I turned off the light and made sure they were tucked in. I turned the fan on, and turned it on low. Natural sound in the room always makes people sleep better too. I shut the door as I walk out. Keaten walks out the bedroom and gives me a hug. "Thanks bro." I hug him back and smile. "No problem, just remember to be careful and have fun." He nods and I ruffle his hair as I leave the house.

I start walking back to Jeremy's house looking at my phone. There's not one text from Jeremy. I think maybe he just took a mid-afternoon nap, but still something didn't feel right. I just turned on my music and put my headphones in my ears. I started walking home, and singing out loud. I felt like today was a wonderful day.

A Battle of Two loversWhere stories live. Discover now