Chapter Fifty-Four: UA Culture Festival

Start from the beginning

"It's a good idea to have you drum, Katsuki. You're good at it, right?" I point out, crossing my arms and tilting my head at him, "No better option."

"Yeah, 'course I am." He scoffs, shaking his head, "Tryna' feed my ego?"

"Why would I do that?" I question.

"Dunno'." He shrugs, "Maybe drummers are your type."

I go to respond when I'm interrupted by Kirishima belting out a... range of words said in different pitches. None of pattern. Or of good sounds. Mineta begins to just shout into the mic. And Aoyama lets out a high pitched (yet consistent) falsetto.

I blink at them.

"I think it should be Jirou singing!" Hagakure claims, "'Cause earlier when she was teaching me in her room, her singing was amazing!"

"Hey, don't make things more complicated..." She embarrassingly requests, but Hagakure only puts the mic in front of her and mutters that it's alright.

We begin to cheer on Jirou to sing, and when she does, it's truly music to my ears. She sings with grace, even with her flushed face. It's as if she was truly born to be doing this.

"My ears are in heaven!" The crowd cheers on, "Such a husky, sexy voice!"

"Okay, then that's that..." Jirou is quick to put the mic stand away to the side before she moves on, "Now! We need guitarists and a bassist!"

Kaminari is quick to reach to the sky. "Playing an instrument is so cool!"

"Let me do it!" Mineta raises his hand too.

"I think I've had enough to stringed instruments..." Kirishima sighs to himself, plopping down on the other side of Katsuki.

The blonde beside me then growls at Kaminari, "I don't care if you want to do it! Do you have the guts to get it done?"

"I do, I do, I really do!" Kaminari replies, a blank stare on his face. I smile at how excited he is. "Guitar is the centre of the band, isn't it?"

Tokoyami is quick to pick up the other guitar, before absolutely shredding it.


"Why are you putting out that forlorn sound?"

"You play? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I had to free myself from the burden of the F chord first." Tokoyami regrettably says, looking to the ground. I giggle at his statement.

Jirou smiles at nods her head. "So, we have two guitarists, a vocalist, someone on keys, a drummer." She counts on her fingers, "Now we just need a bassist..."

I feel a shift beside my head. I look to see Katsuki raising his hand—

"Y/N knows how to play the bass." He states.

I look to him and blink. "Wait, wha—?"

"Oh right!" Jirou says, smiling at me, "I forgot about your bass in your room! Y/N, please, please, please, play bass for the band! You're amazing, aren't you?"

"Well I—"

"She is!" Mina says, nodding her head frantically, "I can hear her play through the walls! She's incredible!"

"Then it's settled! Y/N will play bass!" Hagakure points out while Jirou excitedly smiles at me. 

"Oh, okay. I just that's just it then." I say, scratching my chin. Jirou holds my hands and thanks me again, a happy smile on her face. I reciprocate it before seeing her turn to the rest of our friends, talking about the other roles. Katsuki wears a proud smile on his face, cocky. I push his cheek away. "Loud mouth."

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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