U.A : The Bing.com of Heroics (In a Good Way)

Start from the beginning

"Who was it?"

"It was the girl with the vines for hair. I think her name is Ibara Sho-something, I can't remember right now."

"Damn, wonder what's going on to make her stress out so badly..."

As lunch was nearing its end, they figured it was best to put it out of their mind for now and went back to the two idiots who were still continuing with their argument.

"Ok I've just about had it with this idiocy! MIRIO! Why the FUCK would you choose BLACK MAMBAS over A GORRILA! IT DOSEN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!"

"I've already told you many times why, dammit! WHAT ABOUT YOU! Are you so MONKEY BRAINED that you can't see anything past just throwing hands WITH A GORRILA!"

"You tell me, albino! How about you put them opposable thumbs to use RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"My quirk is not even monkey related, you FUCKING TOASTER-LICKER! For a smart gremlin you're acting a little SMOOTHBRAINED RIGHT NOW!"


Mei quickly gets up and headbutts him on the nose, before diving from across the table. The last five minutes were then spent on the girls trying to pry the two off each other until a faculty member ended the fight and dragged them to the principals office. They would both have detention for a week, doing worksheets.


Meanwhile, in one of the school bathrooms...

Lunch period is always the best time to rest up and refresh before continuing the school day, as many students meet up and have a chat or eat in relative peace. However, for Ibara Shiozaki it is only the few times apart from being at home where she could fully give thanks to her lord and savior. Occupying one of the stalls in the girls restroom, Ibara uttered her utmost thanks and worship to whom she dedicated her whole life and being to.

Born into a religious family, she was quick to join many others of her congregation. Like a fish to water, she became involved in the many ceremonies and activities of the church, by which she soon gained the respect of many of her lord's flock. While this sense of accomplishment and pride overtook her in a way she could not describe, it was not the reason why she continued her due diligence.

Not because it would give her prominence, but because she would soon be involved in her Lord's great plan. A plan to lay the foundation of which his divine being would build his new world order. A new world, where his children would roam in a life of complete freedom and fulfillment, where they can spend the rest of their days living the life in his example.

A new world where mayhem, chaos and the law of entropy would soon reign supreme over the folly of stagnation and order. A new world, with her at the forefront of its creation, where she would bring the Vessel of Loki to their temple and prepare for his arrival

When she was told by the high priestess that she would take on this daunting task, her heart soared with righteous vigor. Oh how wonderful to be given such a monumental task! Oh what joy! To think that she would be one to bear the responsibility!

BLAM!-She bursts out of the stalls and almost trips towards the sink. Her hands clenched harshly on the bathroom counter, trying in vain to control herself. Oh, but she was overwhelmed! Too Happy! Too Excited! So full of emotions that she just might... she just might... !


Now there's vomit on her blouse already, mom's spagettii.

While she was busy clearing her stomach of any leftovers of her lunch, she failed to hear someone else walk into the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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