Time's Serenade

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In the dance of hours, love took its flight,
Time, a cruel maestro, played a somber night

The clock, with cold fingers, embraced our story,
Minutes turned traitor, stealing moments of glory

Yet amidst the ticking, a vow silently sworn,
Eternal whispers in seconds reborn

In the tapestry of moments, passion's refrain,
Two hearts entwined, escaping Time's chain

Through the corridors of seconds, love's ballet,
Each step a promise, in the twilight's gray

Clock hands may tremble, but we stand strong,
A symphony of love in the ticking throng

In the garden of hours, where blossoms unfurl,
Our love, a masterpiece in Time's swirl

Yet shadows crept, as clouds marred the sky,
Time's cruel jests, a tear in the eye

A waltz disrupted, a fractured rhyme,
In the silence, echos of a fading chime

The clock's laughter, mocking our plight,
Dusk descends, love cloaked in the night

Drizzled memories, like raindrops of sorrow,
Each drip erasing a brighter tomorrow

In the hourglass, dreams turned to sand,
Love's echo waned, slipping through our hands

As seasons aged, our love grew frail,
Clock hands etched tales of a fading trail

In the twilight of promises, shadows cast,
Love's embers fading, a flame once vast

Yet in the silence, a resilient heartbeat,
A melody of hope, refusing defeat

Through the echos of Time, a whispering plea,
Find me in the echos, where love used to be

The hands of the clock, like thieves in the night,
Stole the verses, once pure and bright

In the symphony of parting, a bitter score,
Notes of farewell, echoing forevermore

As petals fell from the flower of our yore,
Time's frosty touch, love could endure no more

As Time's cold hands plucked my heartstrings,
Just like a broken lyre, nothing rings

In the tapestry of farewells, threads undone,
The hands of Time, a battle never won

Glistening tears on the canvas of goodbye,
Love's last whisper, a soulful sigh

In the echo of silence, a vacant space,
Time's cold fingers, love couldn't erase

In the graveyard of dreams, where shadows fall,
Love's requiem, and unanswered call

Shining stars weep in the velvet sky,
As love's spectre whispers a tearful goodbye

Silhouetted memories dance in the pale moon's glow,
A lover's departure, a river of sorrows to tow

Time, the relentless thief, stole the final breath,
Leaving me entwined in the arms of death

Time, the silent foe in the dance of fate,
A cruel maestro orchestrating love's checkmate

In the hallowed pages, where our story was spun,
Time's ink bled, erasing what had begun

As the seasons aged, love's melody turned frail,
In Time's clutches, our once-vibrant tale.

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