Part 1

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Lucy and O/C book, idk where I came up with this idea tbh. Gonna be a slow slow slow burn

Lucy: Thanks little Williamson

Lucy picks Leia up and Leia wraps her legs around Lucy.

Leia: U guys fuckin won
Lucy: Your sister is fuckin crying man

Leia jumps off Lucy and runs off to her sister. She jumps into her sisters arms and Leah catches her.

Leah: God, we've done it sweetie
Leia: I'm soooo proud of you
Leah: Wouldn't of done it without your coaching
Leia: Eh I'm just a coach, ur a player
Leah: I love you little sis
Leia: I love you big sis

(Skip to the after party)

Jord: Lei, you okay
Leia: We fuckin won
Jord: We did
Leia: I'm so glad your here
Jord: Me to mate, missed this team
Leia: Ima go find Luce
Jord: Lucy eh
Leia: She dosent like me back
Jord: If you say

Leia gives Jordan a weird look and then goes to find Lucy.
She sees Lucy pinning a random girl against a way and basically eating her mouth off.

Leia runs off crying, Leah and Jordan see what's happened and runs off after her.

Leia locks herself in a stall before Leah and Jordan can get to her.

Leah: Baby sis, please let us in

They are just met with silence.

Leias Pov:
It's like Lucy is just ignoring that I like her. She knows I do because she found the note I accidentally dropped which was me basically confessing my feelings for her. God I am so so so so stupid for liking the world famous Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze.

Leia unlocks the stall door and Leah is straight so her baby sister and cuddling her up tightly.

Jord: I thought she knew
Leia: She does

Next minute, Lucy walks through the door looking shocked why Leias crying.

Luce: Mate what's u....

Lucy is then cut off by Leia attacking Lucy.

Leia: Your a fucking bitch I wish you were dead no my ex fiance, I wish u died in that crash not her, she would still be here if she didn't sacrifice her fucking future with me just so you could fucking leave you fucking bitch

Leah pulls Leia off of Lucy and Jordan takes Lucy out of the bathrooms so Leia dosent attack her again.

Luce: What the fuck just happened
Jord: You know she likes you

Lucy just hangs her head in shame.

Lucy: I can't Jord
Jord: Why
Lucy: The girl I was kissing....
Kerry: Baby, ur taking forever
Lucy: Sorry hun

Lucy kisses Kerry and then walks away from Jordan.

A minute later Leia comes our with Leah and Leah is confused why Jordan looks so shocked.

Leah: What's happened
Jord: someone

Leah then looks shocked and Leia break down in tears and says she's going to the hotel on her own.

Instead Leia acctuly makes her way to the bar. She spots the Spanish team laughing, even after they've lost the euros to England for the second time.

A Spanish girl sports her and makes her way over to her.

Ona: Hi
Leia: Hi
Ona: Leia Williamson right
Leia: Wow, someone for once not calling me Williamsons sister
Ona: Would never pretty girl
Leia: Ona Batlle, right
Ona: Smart girl mi amor
Leia: I took Spanish for school you know
Ona: Chica inteligente, chica encantadora también mi amor, me encantaría follarte ahora mismo pero lo guardaré para otro momento mi amor (Smart girl, lovely girl aswell my love, I would love to fuck you right now but I'll save that for another time my love)
Leia: Okay, I'm not that good at Spanish
Ona: Good to know mi chica

Leia laughs and takes Ona back to her hotel room so they can continue talking.

As they are walking in they spot Leah, Jordan, Lucy and Lucy's new girlfriend.

Leah: Leia
Jord: Ona
Leia: Oh hey guys
Leah: Your drunk
Leia: Only little, me and Ona wanna talk more
Jord: No sex
Leia: Eh can't promise that
Leah: Leia Williamson

Leia grabs Onas hand and shoves Ona into her room.
She hears Leah sigh outside then them walking off.

Leah: If anything happens Lucy, this is all your fault
Kerry: Why her fault
Lucy: Don't ask love


Leia: God I want to kiss you
Ona: I want to too but I do not want yo lead you on
Leia: What do you mean
Ona: I leave for Barcalona in literally 2 months
Leia: Oh
Ona: I'm sorry, I really would I just don't want to lead you on
Leia: I understand, what about...friends with benefits

Ona immediately latches her lips to Leias and they get to work of undressing eachother.

Leia: Fuck Oni, ur so hot
Ona: I'm looking right in the mirror mi amor

They get to work (A.N. I'm not a big fan of writing smut bc it's always shit, one in a while I will but rn no, sorry)

(Next morning)

Leah: Leia I'm coming in

Leah walks in to find Leias naked body on top of what she thinks is Onas naked body.


Leia jolts awake and covers her and Onas naked body.

Leia: Leah it's not what it looks like

Leah storms out of Leias room just as Lucy and Kerry come out of Lucy's room.

Leia and Ona are scrambling to put their clothes on. Jordan sees them both as they are putting their chlothes on.

Jord: They fucked

Lucy runs off and Leah chaeses after her. Jordan shortly following so her girlfriend dosent kill her best mate.
Kerry then comes into Leias room.

Kerry: Can someone explain
Leia: Idk, but I think I had a crush on Lucy, she was kissing u, I slept with Ona, Leah is mad at Lucy for all things, that's what I'm guessing
Kerry+Ona: You have a crush on Lucy
Leia: Had

They both nod and then hesr screaming.
Leia recognises it as Sarinas voice.

Leia: One second

Leia walks towards the screaming.
Just as she rounds thr corner she sees Sarina storming off.

Leia: It's just a friends with benefits till she goes go a different club
Leah: I don't want you heart broken by that shit
Lucy: Just because I found a partner I love

As soon as Lucy said that she regretted it, before she can say anything she feels a slap across her face. It was from Leia.

Leia: Stay the fuck away from me Lucy, I hate you, we are no longer friends

Leia walks away, back to Ona, and far far far away from Lucy. Leah runs after her sister.

Jord: U should of told her you liked her back then, you've fucked it all up now Luce and Leia dosent forgive that easy, you know that

Jordan goes after Leah, Leia and Ona so she can comforts her girlfriend's sister.

Word count: 1181

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