Chapter 4- Tempest

Start from the beginning

I search blindly for Gales talon and clutch it tightly in mine. His face has lost all of its colour, ears twitching back and he's shaking. I gulp and look around, searching for clues for where she could be now. But there's nothing.

She's not here now, they must've figured out we knew where she was... and now she can only be in one other place. In the Sky Kingdom. Which has now turned into the most heavily guarded stronghold in Pyrrhia. Like Gale said, the only way in is our heads on a spike, and I'm currently quite attached to mine at the moment.

A loud thud brings me back from my scheming thoughts. I turn around, to see Storm cradling his broken talons and swearing profusely. Bloodhunter growls as Storm throws another punch at the wall. Storm's teeth are clenched and his whole body is rigid, almost robotic like. As he tries to make another move against the innocent wall, Bloodhunter grabs both of his arms, saying something that surprisingly calms Storm down.

My eyes scan the chains, the weapons, the blood and a flood of understandment crosses me. We can't win this war, everyone knows it. But I can do something to help find Bella before it's too late... I need to, I have to. Before I hurt someone else....

With a sigh, I turn to Gale. "Umm, I'm going to go-" I begin.

Gale pales, his eyes widening in fear as if to say please don't leave me alone in here! I smile softly and lean in to kiss Gale. He kisses me back and the worry melts from his expression a little but his muscles are still tense.

I then turn towards the other two dragonets. Storm has started abusing the wall again, despite Bloodhunter's best efforts.

"I'm going to the Sea Kingdom," I say "They may have taken her to another island."

"I'll go as well then," Storm says.

I shake my head. "If a Seawing patrol sees you, a Skywing general, they may attack." I try not to think about how my grandmother may have already sided with the Skywings and the rebels. "I think it's better If I just go, plus I know the way around a lot better."

Storm clenches his teeth, looking uneasy. "Well, then take Gale, he knows his way around too."

I clench my talons and turn to Gale with a pleading look. He can't come!

Gale must notice my desperate expression because he hesitates. "No, I think it's better if Tempest goes by herself. She's royalty so know one would ever dare to hurt her, but I'm just a random hybrid..."

Something about the way he says that makes my heart crack a tiny bit.

Storm nods unconvincingly and I shoot Gale a small, grateful smile and launch into the sky before he can change his mind.

Two hours later...

"Three moons, finally," I gasp, the moment I spot the island up ahead.

I could probably lie on the small stretch of sand for the rest of the day, if not for Bella depending on me. As I dive down into the deep green sea, I catch a glimpse of rusty scales swooping between clouds before the currents pull me down into the sea and tugs me quickly past schools of fish and coral reefs.

I frown. Rebels? I shake my head. It doesn't matter anyway, I need to get to the island.

The cool ocean soothes my nerves a bit and I smile hesitantly at waving Seawings while a few others offer bows as I pass.

When I reach the cliffs that jut out from the sea, I dig my talons into the sharp rock to help me out of the thrashing waves, and there, just as we planned, is Anemone.

I rush forward and throw my dripping wet wings around her, making her fall backwards and onto the sand with a thud. She coughs out a laugh.

"Sorry," I smile, holding out a talon to her.

Wings Of Fire: The Claws Of Vengence (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now