Stop overthinking

Gee thanks brain.

I wasn't going to shower until after the grass was cut, because I knew I would end up sweating. Plus, other than Dad and I nobody was up yet. So sweatpants it was.

I got up, went outside, and grabbed the lawnmower when a very familiar voice called my name from the other side of the street.

It was Kenji.

In a pink robe, His hair pulled into a tiny ponytail at the front, holding a coffee cup with the words 'Best Dad'



I turned on the lawn mower, hearing Kenji's groan from across the street. That man was so loud.

I finished up the lawn in about 15 minutes, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

"Hey ya big man whore"

I looked to the side to see Alex sitting on my porch.

"Alex it's 7 in the morning why the hell are you here?"

"Indria is over at Liv's house and when she leaves apparently I have to go too."

Screw you Uncle Adam

"Explain the man whore comment."

"Oh right" he looked me up and down and sighed. "First of all, your hair is ruffled giving you the perfect 'boy next door hair'. Second of all you have no shirt on, making the sweat dripping down on you very visible. Third of all, you're practically showing off all of your muscles. I mean c'mon man who has that much muscle at 17. Fourth of all, your sweatpants aren't pulled up all the way, letting the v shape of your friggen pelvis show, making it look like you're down to fuck at any given moment."

"And this is bad why?" I grinned at him

"Okay shut up slut."

"Says you."

"The fuck?"

"Imagine using profanities because you can't think of actual language to express yourself with."

"You cursed like 6 minutes ago!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't gaslight me."

"What's gaslighting?" I fluttered my eyelashes at him, before putting the lawn mower away.

"You're mean. I'm going to hangout with Olivia again."

"Fine by me."

"She's not wearing much but it's more than you."

I spun around "What?"

"Oh nothing." He rubbed his temples "Please get your head outta the gutter. I don't wanna think about what Olivia looks lik-"

"Shut the fuck up."

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