01 : jackie

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Ariana's POV

After going over my summer homework for the last time, I can finally take a break. For my sophomore year I'm taking both AP's that my school offers for sophomores. I'm also on the student council committee and the varsity volleyball team at school for the second year in a row. I can't stress enough how tiring school can be, but getting into a good college and having a good future is what my parents want for me. If this is what it takes then I'll have to suck it up. While lost in my thoughts I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I called out turning my chair around.

"Ariana, your mother and I have another business trip to go on. We won't be back for a couple weeks, but we promise to make it back before your season ends so we can watch you play." Empty promises, something I'm far too familiar with. I know that my parents try really hard to be here with me, but work is always in the way. At least I have my twin brother to keep me company. We're both pretty similar in the sense that we have the same goals, but my brother's always been the more outgoing one. He always says it's cause he's older than me by 15 minutes, which makes no sense whatsoever, but whatever.

"when do you guys leave?" I pondered wondering how last minute they're telling me this.

"we leave in two weeks." My father replied causing me to nod.

"just because we're not home doesn't mean you guys can slack off though." I look over to the door to see my mother. Of the two, my mother's always been more stricter with her intentions for my brother and I.

"you keep your straight A's, do well in volleyball, and be a good sophomore president." My mother continued walking over to me.

"you know I will." I flatly replied.

"make sure to get some rest though, tomorrow's your first day of school." My mother stated before walking off.

"goodnight" I said to which they replied with a goodnight before going off to probably give my brother the same lecture.

Tomorrow we have a new girl coming to school, her name is Jackie. As class president, I've been asked to show her around. I heard from my friends Grace, Kiley, and Skylar that her parents and older sister passed away in a car accident, which must've been hard for her. They always know about all the gossip, especially Grace. It's my goal to hopefully help her transition to Colorado slightly easier.


Waking up to my obnoxious alarm is my least favorite part of the morning. After zoning out for a couple seconds, I get out of bed and go to wake my brother up.

"Jayden, wake up" I shake him to which I almost get swung at.

"I- Jayden Lee if you don't get up right now!" I spoke pulling off his bedsheets.

"okay. okay, I'm up" He finally sits up rubbing his eyes.

"are you driving today or am I?" I questioned to which Jayden points at me before standing up and walking out of his room. Our parents leave for work at 5 in the morning and don't return until 5 in the afternoon, so Jayden and I are pretty use to taking care of ourselves at this point.

As I'm in the bathroom getting ready, I get a FaceTime from Grace. The second I pick up I'm bombarded with questions about what I got on certain questions on my homework.

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