You Belong With Me

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THERE IS MENTIONS OF: self harm. please read carefully!!

This is also a part two of "Good times, Bad Times"

Max had just been arrested. Arrested for the murder I committed. And now I can talk to everyone.

Everyone is safe.

Safe from me, from Jason, and from Max.

  It's been two minutes after the verdict was announced, I still have Ravis number. Do I text him first? Or should I call. Or maybe just wait? I think all of this to myself while sitting on my bean bag in the dorm.

   My mind is racing, not knowing what to do, so I play Taylor Swift. More specifically, "You Belong With Me". I have loved that song ever since Ravi said it was his favorite from Taylor. I had loved it before, but he made me love it even more.

  Playing music is something that helps me not cut and it lets me relax a little.

   I am stressing out, it's been three minutes and I haven't heard anything. I mean, I get it. I left him in the woods. The fucking woods, what kind of girlfriend does that? What kind of person just leaves someone in the woods? I beat myself up with these questions until I feel my phone vibrate. I pick it up and I see a text message saying, "Hey Sarge, remember me?"

   I smile, I actually smile. I haven't done that in months. I reply with, "how could I forget you? Ive missed you so much. I don't know how I have lived."

Which is funny because I cut myself.

"Well I'm glad that you have lived. I've missed you a lot too, Trouble." Ravi is still calling me his nicknames.

"I want to see you. Even if you have a girlfriend and have moved on, I just want to see you, to hug you." I hit send and wait for about thirty seconds until I hear knocks on the door.

His knocks. long-short-long. I run to the door, pulling my sleeves down and look around, hiding my blades, cigarettes for parties, and two of my vapes that i quit using a while back but still had.

"Just in case," I told myself.

After putting everything away in 10 seconds, I run and open the door. I see Ravi, now 6 feet tall.

I tear up seeing him, not knowing what to say or how to say it.

"Hi Trouble. What's up with you?" He laughs but I don't know what's funny, I don't really find anything funny anymore. It was really hard without him. Like extremely hard.

"Can I hug you?" I ask because I didn't know if he had a girlfriend. I don't really think he would've come all the way here, for me, if he had a girlfriend but still.

"Yes. There's no need to ask me for permission." Ravi said, a slight smile on his face as he said this.

"I still love you" I say as I hold him tight.

"I do too. I never stopped loving you Pip." Ravi always knew what to say.

"Come in," I say after hugging him for about 2 minutes.

I scanned the room to make sure that there was nothing that I didn't want him to see. My dorm was always pretty clean. Cleaning was something I did to pass the time, or something just to keep me distracted from creating more permanent scars on my body. I hated my scars, a lot. They were scars that reminded me of how I didn't have Ravi and how I wasn't better yet. I was getting better though. I always convinced myself this, even if it wasn't true.

"I like your dorm. It's nice." Ravi pointed out, looking around.

"You look nice." I say, not really joking because it was completely true.

"Oh stop flattering me Sarge." Ravi pretended to be flustered but only did it to make me smile.

I walk over and sit on my bean bag, there was another one beside it so I beckoned him to come sit down.

"What's up with you? I heard you got into Yale Law." By heard, I meant of me stalking him on his social medias. I almost stalked him every single night. On an anonymous account, of course. I always wondered if he had done the same. He probably didn't but it was a good thought.

"I did, are you proud?" He snickered at his question.

"I am. I'm very proud of you." I say very seriously, but I actually have a smile on my face.

"What's going on with you?" He asked, scanning my face.

"Well, I'm top of all of my classes, I go to parties now, that's about it." I say, not thinking that he would care if I went to parties.

"Parties?! Have you become a gangster while you were at college?" I laughed at this, a real laugh. "But congratulations on being at the top of your classes." He says, looking proudly at me.

"I'm very rebellious." I giggle

"That  you are." He chuckled softly, his voice is a little deeper than before I left.

I love him. I love being around him again.

"Can we get back together? I want to be around you, forever." I say this, watching his face, I watch as his lips curl into a smile.

"I was waiting for you to ask that." He said, still smiling.

My heart starts beating very fast, and I tear up. I am experiencing a lot of emotions right now and I start crying, happily though. For a moment, I feel very happy. I hope this moment lasts forever.

"Ive missed you so much." I say, standing up and walking over to the bean bag he is sitting on, to hug him. To hold him and not let go.

"I hav..." He stops mid sentence so I look at him, confused.

Until I'm not confused anymore. I follow his eyes to my wrist that was uncovered when my sleeve rolled up accidentally.

I quickly pulled my sleeve down, not knowing what the hell to do.

"I- I can explain!" I say, sitting up "please don't leave!" I have sad tears filling up my eyes now.

His face looks sad, really sad. He looks like he's going to cry. I start to scan his face, looking for answers.

"Was this my fault?" His voice breaks, breaking me.

"No! No, no it was mine. It was my choice! It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself." I say all of this so quickly I run out of breath.

He holds me, just holds me as he starts to cry. I start breathing really heavy now, my mind racing from Ravi hating me to his tears. It was my fault.

"I'm so sorry" I say, because it's all I can say. All that matters is him knowing that I'm sorry and that I love him. I will always love him I think.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm here ok? Forever. Every time you need me to be here I will be, Sarge." His body is shaking and his voice is breaking.

"I love you" I say, hoping he knows it.

"I love you too Pip"

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