still alive?

402 12 6

Y/n could be seen sleeping in his bed...relaxing for the night, soon he hears people break in his home

y/n goes and he gets his pistol...he sees the first one and he shoots it on its head, the other one looked at him and was about to shoot but y/n grabbed his gun and he punched him in the face and shot his face with his own weapon

The killers fall to the ground, dead, as the others hesitate for a moment before trying to shoot at y/n

y/n feels one behind him and the hesitation from the killers gave him the advantage and he goes and elbows him from behind grabs his arms and judo slams him and he holds him to the ground and he shoots the other killers in the face before shooting the killer he's holding to on its head

The killers are dead on the ground, shot in the face, as y/n looks around the room for any remaining attackers

he sees one close and he sneaks on him and he puts his arm around his neck choking him, another killer got alarmed and tried to shoot him but y/n pushed the killer to the other killer which made the killer accidentally shoot his ally, y/n then crouched making the killer not see him, the killer looks down and he meets with a gun towards his face and y/n shoots him on the face killing him

The killer falls dead to the ground, as yet another attacker fires at y/n, but he quickly dodges the bullet and pulls out his gun firing quickly in the attacker's direction, killing him immediately

y/n then meets with a killer on his right and he shoots him on the chest and then he tackles him to the ground, the killer gets up getting y/n off him and he grabs a knife.

y/n got ready and he dodged the killers attacks and y/n knees him on the gut and he slams his head to the wall and he judo slams him and he grabs his knife from his hand and starts to try and stab the killers chest but the killer holds the knife from going to his chest.

he holds and y/n grabs him by the face and y/n is now on top of him and keeps trying to stab the killer.

y/n then pushes the knife to the killers chest by pushing his hand to the top of the knifes handle multiple times, the killer was dead

The killer falls dead, as y/n looks around the room with intense focus. There don't seem to be any more attackers in this room

...y/n soon lays down on his couch and he wipes the sweat off his face

The home is silent, as y/n lays down on his couch with a satisfied sigh

Y/n was confused though. Who were these killers. Why did they come here?

Y/n then saw one of the killers phone ring. Y/n grabbed it and it was...crimson...he's still alive!? How!

Y/n answered it and he heard crimsons voice.

Crimson: is that fucker still alive? Did you kill him?

Y/n: they're dead.

Crimson:...Mr wick...what a surprise...

Y/ are you still alive?

Crimson: lets just say...I made a deal...

Y/ better hope I don't find you...cause I will...and once I'll wish you didn't exist in this so called "hell"

Y/n then hangs up and he grabs his suit and he wears it. He grabs only his Glock 27 and he puts it in his holster. He grabs his Benelli m4 and goes on his way to his car...soon he gets a call from blitzo...he answers.

Blitzo: yeah sorry but we need your help...Moxie fucked up.

Y/n:...*sigh* on my way.

Y/n hangs up and y/n gets on his car and drives to imp.

john wick (male reader) HH HB (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें