The Summoning

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A/n: Hi! Thank you so much for reading my story! I'm going to attempt at posting at least a chapter or two a week, but I'm still in school and I have a bunch of other stuff too. So don't get mad if I don't update. But since it's my first time heres two chapters to get started! Also I'm looking to improve my writing, so feel free to drop some criticism on the chapters (I take criticism, not hate. There's a difference!) Thanks again for taking the time to read this! The chapters might be a little weird bc I'm trying to write from memory. I'll do my best to make it close! Anyways this is really long love y'all! (I do not own the inheritance games, all pictures and characters except for the ones I've added are all Jennifer Lynn Barnes's)


Cassiopeia Elle Grambs
The mystery

                     Cassiopeia Elle Grambs                               "Cassie/Cass"                               The mystery

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Grayson Davenport Hawthorne
The perfection

                           Avery Kylie Grambs                                "Ave/Aves"                                The gamble

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Avery Kylie Grambs
The gamble

                                       Libby Grambs                                  "Lib/Libs"                                 The baker

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Libby Grambs
The baker

                                       Libby Grambs                                  "Lib/Libs"                                 The baker

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Cassie POV: First Person

I was on the verge of falling asleep during my science lecture when the teacher suddenly called my name.

"Ms. Grambs?"

"Huh?" I asked stupidly. I blinked at her, feeling as though I'd come back from a dream.

The teacher looked down at me over her glasses. "I said," her voice crisp, "Principal Altman has called you down to his office."

I gulped as I quickly started to pack up my stuff, well aware of the fact that all eyes were on me. As I speed-walked down the hallway, my mind started reeling in all the bad things I'd done this week. There wasn't anything too bad, just the occasional too much chatting. Otherwise, I couldn't think of any reason why I was being called down.

Oh no, I thought. What if Dad-

I couldn't finish the thought before I'd reached the office. I walked up to the secretary's desk to see her typing furiously on a keyboard."Hi, I was supposed to see Principal Altman?" The secretary glanced at me, jabbed her finger towards a door, then continued tapping her obnoxiously loud keyboard.

When I opened the door, I was greeted with the sight of Libby, my older half sister, sitting in a chair in front of the principal's desk. I froze, and I immediately ran to her, not bothering to see who else was in the room.

"Lib?! What are you doing here?" Libby looked at me with wide brown eyes. Before she could open her mouth, a subtle cough interrupted her. I glanced over the desk expecting to find the principal. Instead I was met with a teenage boy who looked about nineteen. He wore a navy blue suit—unusual attire for a boy his age. His face was sharp with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Blonde hair had been combed back, not a hair out of place.  But the thing that struck me the most were his almost silver eyes, lined with curiosity and something else. For a fraction of a second, I saw fear flicker in his eyes. Recognition flashed through them, but another moment later, a smug expression appeared in his face.

"You are Cassiopeia Grambs?"

I narrowed my eyes at him."I prefer to go by Cassie. Who are you? And where's—"

"Principal Altman is right there." The boy once again interrupted me and pointed a slim finger over by Libby. And sure enough, there he was. He looked uncomfortable, and he squirmed under the gaze of this child.

A mere boy who can command a principal? Who is this guy?

"And as for me," the silver eyed boy continued, "I am Grayson Hawthorne."

Suddenly the door opened, and my other half sister, Avery, burst through. "Is Dad okay?"

"Your father is fine. As of yesterday, Ricky Grambs was alive, well, and safely passed out in a motel room in Michigan, an hour outside of Detroit." Avery's  gaze swept over the scene, and she seemed to come to the same conclusion I did. This kid was not just a kid.

"Now that all the Grambs are finally here, we may begin." He gave a pointed look at Avery when he said finally.

I glared at him, daring him to even try messing with her. Even though Avery and I were only months apart in age, I was five months older than her, making me eighteen. And I took my job as older sister way too seriously.

He started rambling about an old man named Tobias Hawthorne, which didn't ring a bell. I frowned slightly as he talked about how hard we were to reach.

"That may have been my fault," Libby muttered. Grayson Hawthorne glanced at Libby, then continued his speil. At some point I must have zoned out, because the next thing I knew, both Avery and Libby were shaking and tapping my arms as if I were in a trance.

"Huh?" I mentally kicked myself. What. An. Idiot. Of course I embarrassed myself in front of this stranger.

Avery sighed. "Cass, Mr. Hawthorne said we need to go to Texas for a will reading." I glanced at Grayson, who seemed to be studying me. I could understand why Principal Altman was squirming. Where did the principal go? I quickly scanned the room when I saw a shadow by the door. He must have been kicked outside by Grayson.

I looked back at Avery. "We don't have the money for that kind of trip, Ave," I whispered.

"Don't worry, we already have the plane set for you." I didn't need to look at Grayson to see a smirk on his face. When he got up to leave, he glanced back at us again, his gaze lingering too long on me.

"I'll see you ladies in Texas."

A Dangerous Mystery (An Inheritance Games Fanfic: Grayson Hawthorne x New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now