Enid's mouth makes and O shape in understanding, the she wolf has long gotten used to the Addams family antics but she is still sometimes surprised. She was excited to see Cairo however, she had grown close with the boy which Wednesday would never admit made her very happy, because they are her favorite people.

The two barely step outside before Pugsley pulls them into a bone crushing hug, Enid giggles while Wednesday is trying to stab him with difficulty as the younger Addams traps her hand, he pulls away with a huge grin when his parents and Cairo approach with that signature Addams family smirk 'god they are all hot' Enid gushes. Wednesday rolls her eyes at her roommate and delivers a sharp elbow to her ribs, the blonde yelps and glares at her "don't look at me like that you were practically drooling like a dog just now" Enid blushes looking down.

"Hello mother, father" Wednesday greets coldly, the two adults' smiles pulling her into a hug "hello our little viper" Gomez greets, Wednesday pulls away standing closer to Enid her fingers accidently brushing against the blondes' knuckles. The two girls blush and look away simultaneously, Cairo watches them with a small smirk "Enid will be joining us until her family arrives" Wednesday announced "if-if that's ok" the wolf stutters.

Morticia smiles sweetly pulling placing a kiss on both of Enid's cheeks "of course my darling, you are always welcome" Gomez pulls the taller girl into a fatherly hug and chuckles when she squeaks giggling happily. Wednesday watches them with a small smile "Is that a smile I see cousin?" Cairo teases, the goth sends him a cold glare "don't be ridiculous, I only smile for you" the boy laughs loudly.

"That's such bullshit and you know it Wednesday, you let Enid get away with so many things, and you smile for her a lot. "I do not!" the Addams girls spits out "Hey Willa let's go get some lunch" Enid calls, Cairo smirks raising a brow "a nickname? You were saying cousin?" He laughs walking away. Wednesday flips him off and walks over to her colorful roommate.


The family spend a lovely afternoon talking and laughing, well Enid and the others do Wednesday simply watches them quietly, staring at Enid the most secretly admiring her beauty. Enid feels her staring and turns around smiling "hi" Wednesday looks away blushing slightly, the goths parents exchange a knowing glance smiling softly "Enid tell us how is school going? Do you participate in any sports?" Morticia questions.

Enid is slightly taken aback by the matriarch's interest, her own mother never bothered to ask it was only ever about wolfing out or her grades. She looks down sadly, Wednesday frowns at this "Enid are you ok?" Enid nods looking down "oh dear I dd not mean to upset you I am so sorry" Morticia places a comforting hand on the girl's arm. Enid shakes her head wiping her eyes a little before meeting everyone's gaze "no I'm sorry, I'm not used to anyone asking about my interests." She sniffles "I actually play soccer and I'm pretty good at it at least that's what Yoko says."

Wednesday pulls out a handkerchief and offers it to the blonde, Cairo smiles and winks at her earning him an eyeroll from the raven girl. Pugsley gasps as he sees Enid accepting his sister's handkerchief "oh my god! You gave her your handkerchief are you in love with her?!" the two girls freeze their eyes widening to a concerning size, "Silence you annoying waste of space!" Wednesday hisses "but father always says you only give your handkerchief if you're in lov-" his sentence gets cut off when a knife flies past his head skimming his cheek.

Cairo snorts clamping his hand over his mouth to hide his laughter, Enid looks at the boy mouth agape as a small trail of blood runs down his pale cheek. Pugsley looks at his sister in fear the goth staring him down with a glare so sharp it could slice ships in half. "Pugsley you know what happens when you tease your sister" Morticia scolded the boy, by now Cairo is laughing hysterically and Enid has picked up her lip now staring at the agitated girl beside her.

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