The boy's hands slammed on the table as he stood up abruptly.

"No!" he cried, terrified "How can you sell me to such an animal!" he began to say in desperation "I beg you, I will do your every command from now on, but I beg you, don't marry me to him."

But there was no answer, he was determined.

"Father!" he cried, his voice rasping in his throat, as tears spilled down his cheek.

"Enough!" rarely had his father used his alpha voice, he was a dominant alpha who's presence alone was enough to intimidate others, it was never necessary. Satoru immediately cringed, there was no way to disobey him, he just pressed his lips together as his tears slid down his face "Satoru, I have fulfilled your countless whims, except for that idea of yours to be a singer. I need you to do your duty to the family that has given you so much."

Satoru trembled and sobbed.

"But, father, Naoya is a bad alpha..." he could barely say as he covered his crying face "He has always belittled me... he tried to abuse me and you know it!"

Her mother dropped her silverware on the stick, forming a clatter.

"That was years ago, Satoru. Naoya had a traditional upbringing, so expect his omega to meet those conditions as well. I know you'll be able to adapt well."

Satoru couldn't say more, there was no way he was going to change his mind. He got up from the table and walked briskly in the direction of the second floor to go s his room.

"Honey, how can you do this to your son?" he could hear his mother sobbing, but he didn't have time to hear his father's response.

He threw himself on his bed to cry, disconsolate.

Satoru was supposed to be a coveted young omega, every family wanted to be engaged to him but his father who saw in his son more material value than fraternal, had not allowed just anyone to get close to him. Even with his friends it was hard to hang out without being watched, although he believed his father had accepted Suguru as he never intervened. Now he understood that it was only because in the end, he would engage him with anyone he deemed sufficient. In this case, he had promised it to the nastiest alpha to ever cross his path.

Naoya was a young man who believed in alpha supremacy, preached how useless omegas were and that their only function was to give birth. God, he was in for a horrible life.

But he had to stop it, he couldn't just sit idly by. He ran to his closet and took the things he considered most important, pictures with Shoko and Suguru, some jewelry to sell if he needed it and the most comfortable clothes he had. He waited for the early morning to come in and climbed down his window, he was used to sneaking out to go see Satoru from time to time, although he always got caught blocks ahead. But it was worth a try, even if he got caught a hundred times.

He practically ran, not bothering to be stealthy, the farther away the better. He took the risk of not going down the main streets and turned off into the alley where he knew he would be arriving at Suguru's house in a while. He wouldn't stay there, he'd just pass through quickly before heading off to who knows where.

Shit, where would he go?

"Well, what do we have here?" a voice he recognized made him shiver "This puppy sure made my job easy."

Satoru turned quickly to where the voice sounded, in the middle of the darkness, finding the big alpha he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Toji-san" he shivered as he watched him approach.

Naoya's cousin, one of the few dominant alphas he knew besides his father. He was a man feared by his own family, they had given him one of the companies as long as he didn't get too involved with others and above all, didn't get in the way of his cousin who seemed to love to tease for the sheer joy of it.

Toji x Gojo Where stories live. Discover now