The man in front of him dressed in a white plain Shirt and black, ripped Jeans walked through the lobby until he came to stand in front of the lifts. The lobby was busy with people checking in and checking out, some sitting on the sofas in front of the reception and making plans where they would go today. A light music was playing in the background and the sounds of many different voices were coming together in a low hum that almost swallowed the music whole. Satoru stayed a few feet behind Toji with his phone pressed tightly against his chest. He was so damn nervous, he had no idea what to do. Should he follow him into the elevator?
But his room was on the ground floor, so he didn't need to use it. What if the man noticed ?

But all those thoughts went flying out of his head when the man turned around to him.
"Are you following me ?"
His deep, raspy voice made Satoru's brain melt into a useless mush and his whole body trembled in fear. Fuck. He had noticed him. He was so stupid. Now he had fucked up so hard. He had no idea what to do or what to say. His heart was beating into his throat and he heard his blood pulsing in his ears.
Oh god.

"I... I...uhg... "
Satoru stuttered, stumbling a few steps backwards, but Toji grabbed him by the collar of his Shirt and pulled him back towards him.

"What?! You can follow me like one of those paparazzi rats taking pictures of me without even asking, but you can't answer a single question?! Fucking idiot! Useless like all of them!"
Toji grunted angrily. Some people looked their way, hearing his upset voice and watching how he pushed the white haired boy into the elevator that had just opened right in front of them.
Satoru couldn't do anything to fight the much bigger, older and stronger man. Toji was thirty five, Satoru was only twenty.
The white haired boy was frozen in shock and panic, his body didn't listen to him and his head was completely empty. This was really him. This was Toji Fushiguro and he was fucking angry at him.

Satoru heard the buttons being pushed on the elevator while Toji still held him by the hem of his Shirt. The boy could cry. This wasn't how he imagined this to go.

"P-Please.. I.. I can leave. I will go and leave you alone, I promise."
Satou stuttered as the elevator closed the doors and went up a few levels. He was caught here with him.
But it wasn't too late. He could at least try to save the situation.

Toji turned his head around to him and pushed him with his whole body weight against the wall of the elevator behind him. Satoru's head banged against the wall and he stared up at the bigger man with wide watercolor eyes. His breath got punched out of his lungs and he didn't dare to breathe for a second.
"Fuck no! I won't let you annoying rats off so easily this time. Can't I fucking eat my stupid breakfast in peace for once ?! Just because I am doing my job in a band that got a little famous doesn't mean I don't have any right to be by myself anymore?! I hate it, I fucking hate it to be followed and photographed all the time!"
Toji yelled in Satoru's face, slamming his other hand next to his head! Satoru flinched, scared the man was so angry that he would hit him in the face. His voice was loud and upset, angry and pissed off. And honestly, Satoru understood.

"Give me your damn phone! I will delete every stupid picture you just took! What did you want to do with that, sell it to the media for big cash ?!"
Toji ripped the boy's phone out of his hand and wanted to delete all the pictures he had secretly taken of him.

"No! No, no no no. Please don't! Please don't use my phone. I will delete everything I promise, just please don't turn it on."
Satoru practically begged the angry man in front of him, unable to prevent the much stronger drummer from ripping the phone from his hands. When he turned it on, he would see a collage of himself in various states of being dressed.... Some with Shirt, some without, some old and some new. But every single picture of the self made collage was him. And it would be so embarrassing if he saw. The situation was worse enough as it was.

Toji x Gojo Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang