"What does that mean?" she asked. Despite years of training to hide her emotions, Bruce could tell she was worried.

"It's like mind control, but tech based. And I have no idea how to snap him out of it."

They stood in silence together for a short while, deep in thought, until Bruce sighed and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes.

"Come on," Nat said gently, grabbing his elbow and guiding him towards the elevator. "You've done everything you can for the day. You need to sleep, and then you can start again tomorrow."


It was a new experience to not be the only one waiting by the side of a hospital bed.

Tony, of course, was in the chair next to Peter's bed. Pepper was sitting in the one next to his, her head leaned on his shoulder as she slept softly. Bruce had given Morgan permission to lay in bed with her brother so long as she didn't disturb his oxygen or IV, so she was quick to curl up next to Peter and fall asleep.

Who knew tears could feel so good. All three Starks had shed plenty over the last few hours, Morgan most of all. Tony had seen it eating away at her ever since she'd been found--she tried to hide it, but deep down she'd clearly worried she would never see her brother again. Now that he was here, unconscious but alive, there was no keeping her from Peter's side.

Tony was finally starting to let his eyes close, grateful that the much-needed sleep seemed to have finally decided to catch up with him, when the door suddenly opened. Bruce came in the room quietly, quickly checking on Peter's vitals and making sure that the various monitors were still connected and functioning properly. When he was done, he glanced up and met Tony's eyes, tilting his head towards the door before leaving the room again.

With a sigh, Tony gently woke Pepper, and then sleepily they followed Bruce out the room.

"Is he going to be okay?" Tony asked once the door was shut behind them.

Bruce sighed heavily, his eyes downcast. "I... I don't know, Tony. I'd be lying if I said I knew what to do."

Pepper squeezed Tony's arm reassuringly as he rubbed his face with his free hand. "Is there anyone who could help us with this?"

"Unless you know the person behind the nanites, I doubt it." Bruce twisted his hands together nervously, not meeting their eyes.

"Bruce, what else do you need to tell us?" Pepper asked.

The doctor stood a little straighter. "Fury's here. Apparently when Sam and Rhodey went MIA, they caught the guy they think might be behind all this. We need Morgan to tell us if it really is him, though."

"I'll go get her up, then," Pepper said, heading quietly back inside the room. 

"Bruce," Tony finally said after a long moment of awkward silence, "I... I never thanked you."

"For what?"

Tony scoffed. "For what? Banner, you're the reason my kids are still alive. I could have at least gotten you one of those cheesy dollar store thank you cards."

Bruce chuckled. "You've already given me a place to live, Tony. I'm the one who should be thanking you."

"We'll argue about this later," Tony said as Pepper and a very sleepy looking Morgan came out of the med bay. "Now, where's Fury?"

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