Part One

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Monday 15th January

First Period: Spanish

Clara's Pov

"Ughhh" I say to Maria, "Sir changed the seating plan ffs!"
"Oh my days" Maria replys. We walk in and look at the board. Andrew?? I've talked to him a few times hes cute i guess. I sit down and Andrew joins me. "Heyy" "Hey" he responds coldly. Oh okay damn why tf is he like that, wait he might be having a bad day, actually i dont care. Half an hour goes by "Yk what sorry for being like that my bad" Andrew says. Was he thinking about it this whole time damnn bitches really be on my dick sometimes. "Its okayy" I reply. "Hey copy off me since you havent got any work done." Okay sir since you want me so baddd. I also havent done any work so i should stfu and copy. "Omg thank youu i dont understand a bit of this" Whys he kindaa.  Okay why the fuck do i always do thiss with boys that do not want me the fuckk. *The bell rings* "Maria I'm not even joking but Andrews not even that bad" I whisper. "Girll" She mocks. "No like im being so fr hes nice and funny and ughhh" I say "So what now your gonna add him to your list of hoes?" Maria said "Fuckk, maybee" We laugh.
Do I want him.. i dont even like white boys like thatt.

Andrew's Pov

Omfg i hate Spanish but my mum will kill me if i dont get a good grade sooo
"Heyyy" Clara says. "Hey" I reply. I really dont want to be in this fucking lesson. Atleast Casper sits next to me, Clara's cool too i guess. Time goes by and i remember i might of come off as rude earlier. "Yk what sorry for being like that my bad." I say to Clara. "It's okayy" She replies. I've always knew she was nice, I've never seen her upset before come to think of it. "Hey copy off me since you havent done any work!" I say jokingly. "Omg thank youuu i dont understand a bit off thiss." She's cute when shes confused, wait wth... *The bell rings* "Bro David, Clara isnt that rudee" I tell him. "Sure buddy." He says. "Shes really not." I say firmly "Your only saying that cause you dont get girls." "Shut up." She doesnt like me anyway.

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