Getting The Call

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

I was in the shower, letting the hot water run down my naked body. 'Kiss me, liked you wanna be loved, like you wanna be loved' I sighed, I stepped out of the shower. I dried my face and hands, and grabbed my iPhone 5 and swiped the answer button.


"Aubrey!" A sequel escaped the top of my phone.

"Hey Kaylee!" I said, laughing.

"GUESS WHAT?!" She practically screamed in my ear, through the phone.

"OUCH! What?!" I demanded, not having many patients.

"I saved up enough money to fly you to London to visit me for the summer!" She squealed with excitement.

"Really?! Yay! When will my flight be?!"

"You leave tomorrow at noon!"

"SERIOUSLY?! Yay! How long will I be staying?"

"Lets see, tomorrow is June 3rd, so about 3 months? You leave August 31st!"

"I better start packing then, shouldn't I?" I giggled.

"Yes! Be ready by 9 so the limo can pick you up!" She said, as she hung up.

 I guess I'll packing the whole night. I started to dry my whole body, and I out on some black lacy panties with a matching bra. I put on some sweatpants with a black tank-top. I first went through my linguine and got most of it out and in to a suitcase. Next I went for pants. I packed a lot of jeans, a few shorts, because its cold there, I got 3 bathing suits, a few sundresses, and I packed all kinds of  shirts and tank tops. Next, I went to get shoes. I packed one pair of converse, one pair of vans, 4 pairs of high heels, 5 pairs of boots, and 2 pairs of sandals. I looked at the clock. 1:24 a.m. Of course. I probably should sleep. I crawled into my bed, and turned off the lamp.

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