4: That's A... Lot Of People....

Start from the beginning

Anyway, you turn your attention back to the guy stood on the area at the middle of the room, where practically every other person was looking at him. He seemed rather panicked...

Clack, clack, clack

The noise made you jump, as you quickly looked back to where Crowley was previously stood in front of you, only to see he'd started walking towards the boy on the stage.

You panicked, your only way of hiding from all the eyes in the room had just began walking off, so you froze, quickly weighing your options.
Hide behind one of the benches and hope you don't get spotted, follow behind him and look like a lost child, or just stay stood in the middle of the passage between the rows of benches.

Hesitating for a second, you waddle a few steps to the side and duck down behind the back row of the bench, peeking out from around the side and down the corridor to see what happens.

Crowley stops not far from the guy, leaning a little of his weight on a cane topped with a bird. Wait... When did he get a cane?!

"Oh, honestly... You can't come through your gate unbidden. It's unheard of." Crowley stated, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder towards where you had previously been stood. He took a quick double-take over the fact you were gone before sighing, turning to look at the guy again. "What an impatient lad you must be."

The guy glared at him, crouching down and picking up the wrapped-up pole thing-a-ma-bob and holding it in front of him, aimed straight at the headmaster.

"Stay away from me!!" You flinched at how loud he was while the 'headmaster' merely winced, holding one hand up in a manner you'd use to calm a wild animal while he spoke. "Please, calm yourself. I have given you no reason to distrust me."

"Um, just looking at you brings up all kinds of red flags!" The guy yells, still holding the wrapped-up stick thingy out in front of him in a manner of self-defence.

You don't know what he meant by red flags, but it sounded like a bad thing. And honestly, Crowley doesn't look very trustworthy, considering he dresses like a raven, whom your mother had always said were ill omens.

"This whole thing – this place, you guys..." The guy yells, his voice going quieter as he looks around the room again. He tightens his grip on the thing and looks back at Crowley, once again yelling. "What is going on?! Why am I in this weird place?!"

"Why?" Crowley questions, placing a hand on his hip while his other hand remains firmly planted on the cane still. "Because you were chosen, of course."

The boy seems to mumble something, confused, but because you were so far away you couldn't hear it. But you knew Crowley was about to start a monologue again on what this whole place was.

You groan, not expecting the person in front of you to have heard it. You froze, looking up at a person staring down at you with wide, bright blue eyes. They looked like a girl, but you weren't too sure, they did look young though. They were obviously surprised though, not having planned on seeing somebody crouched down hiding behind a bench.

They opened their mouth to speak, but you rapidly shook your head, waving your hands in panic to make sure he doesn't. Your actions made your hood fall off, which you didn't notice. The person quickly shut their mouth but seemed even more surprised at the sight at of you.

Realising that they wouldn't say anything, you let out a small breath in relief, not very good at being around people. You made eye contact with them for a split second, of which you both broke. However, you didn't fail to notice their lavender hair and how pretty they looked.

After a moment, you looked back at them, only to see them nod their head sideways while looking back at you. Your nose scrunched up slightly in confusion on why they did that. They click their tongue, making the motion again, only to cause you more confusion.

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