41 0 4

M! = genderswap Male
F! = genderswap Female

This was when the infection happened

M!Willow's pov

I was doing paper work until someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said. Tigry opens the door with one hand behind him. I was confuse but shrugged it off and asked him. "What do you need stupid tiger?"

He walks up to me still having his hand behind his back. What the fuck is going on?

Tigry's pov

I walk up towards Willow and gave him a flower and a love card. He takes it from my hands and tells me to sit on the couch while he is gonna read the letter i gave him. I did what he said and sat on the couch. He was reading the letter since I made 3 paragraphs of it and mostly people would just read a few words and call it a day but no... he read... all of it... I'm not joking... he READ ALL OF IT! I see that he was flustered when reading the letter, I knew that he would blush but not that much. He put it down and told me to get out.

"Why sir?"

"None of your buisness I just need to... think..."

I did what he said and went out of his office... did he hate the love letter? But he was blushing...

M!Willow's pov

When Tigry left my office I started to blush like CRAZY... I mean... I also liked him also but like... I did really bad stuff to him these past years but why would he like someone like me!? Who knows... this guy is the most random yet cute guy... I sighed and went outmy office seeing that Tigry is still there. "Dude what the fucking hell are you doing?"

"I just... want to know if you accepted... my uh.. love letter...!"

God he is so cute when he is shy...

"Oh uh..." I blushed a little trying to think if I should accept his love letter... its hard tho... what if it was all a JOKE!? No... the others despise Tigry, only Kitty, Felix, and Katie are nice to him... Pandy has a bad relationship with Tigry while the other 2... well lets say... They hate Tigry A LOT withour a reason. I nodded my head and Tigry blushed and shocked hearing my answer.

Tigry's pov

Did he actually.... ACCEPT MY LOVE FOR HIM!? God... this is the best day ever... but than be spoke...

"This isn't a prank right?"

I paused. I was confused why would he ask that...

"No why would it be a prank anyways...?"

"You guys always make pranks and jokes and its annoying I have trust issues of you guys because of it."


Willow gets closer to me. He is 183 cm tall while im 179 cm. I'm not that short but for him its short. Like he is litteraly over 180 cm what the hell does this wolf expect!?

M!Willow's pov

I get closer to his face. My heart was racing and I had this urge to kiss him. I did just that. It was a passionate kiss and it was a long 20 seconds of us kissing. I pulled back. It looks like he doesn't know what to say about that... heh thats fine...



552 words

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