She opened her mouth to protest, but thought it better not to. She swallowed her pride. "I'm sorry." His hand stayed in it's place.

   "Sorry what?" He demanded. Violet shut her eyes again. God this was humiliating.

   "I'm sorry, sir." Her voice shook as she spoke. The hand left her neck and instead twirled a piece of her hair.

   "That's it, good girl," he murmured. Violets face flushed. What the hell was he doing to her? It felt so wrong, but so good at the same time.

   Violet was so shocked at what happened that she didn't even notice her professor slip away. She released the breath she had been holding and grabbed her drink. She took a large sip and headed back to her roommate, who was now lounging on a column near the dance floor. She didn't look too hot. "Violet? Is that you?" She slurred out. "I don't- I don't feel so good."

   Violet grabbed her arm to hold her steady. She looked like she was about to drop. "Did something happen?" She was worried. This wasn't normal behavior for a drunk Bella.

   "I think I got roofied." Shit. Okay they needed to leave. Suddenly Violet didn't feel so safe. She couldn't get Bella back to the dorms all by herself, and whatever creep was preying on her friend could try to get her too. She did the only thing she could think of in this situation. She looked over to the booth in the corner from before, and luckily for her Dr. Reid and his friends were still there. She held her roommate up the best she could and brought her over to the table.

   As they approached, a tall muscular black guy stood up from his spot at the booth. "Woah, woah, ladies. Is she alright?" He came over and held her up on her other side.

   "No, no, she thinks she got roofied. We walked here, I don't know how I'll get her back to the dorms." She looked to Dr. Reid for help. She didn't really know why, but she felt like she could trust him to keep them safe despite everything else.

   "Thank you Morgan, but she's my student I can take care of her." He nodded and handed Bella's arm off to Dr. Reid. Rather than hold up her side, he reached down and scooped up her legs. Violet couldn't help but feel jealous. The feeling surprised her. For some reason she felt kind of possessive over her criminology professor. She was grateful for his help though, and decided to shrug off the feeling because she probably wouldn't have gotten home without him. They left the club and walked across the street to a black BMW. Of course he would own a fancy car like that. He bent down carefully and opened the back door. "Bancroft, you sit back here to keep an eye on her." He sat her roommate down in the backseat, and gave her a look when she didn't respond to him.

   "Yes sir," she spat. He narrowed his eyes at her. She looked up at him and walked past him to get in the car. He shook his head and shut the door before opening his own respective door and getting in the drivers seat. He put a hand on the passenger seat and looked back at them. "Buckle up."

   The ride home was smooth and mostly quiet. Violet took note of the way her professor looked while he was driving. He appeared relaxed with one hand on the wheel and the other in his lap. It was kinda hot. He heart beat a little faster when she made eye contact with him in the rear view mirror. She looked back out the window. They soon came upon her dorm building as it wasn't too far from the bar.

   "Uhh, could you help me bring her upstairs?" Their room was on the third floor and the elevator was currently out of order.

   "Of course," he responded. He got out of the front seat and opened the door for her. She slipped past him holding her roommates purse. She was completely passed out at this point. Dr. Reid scooped her up just like before and closed the door. He followed Violet through the building and up the stairs until they reached her dorm room. She opened the door and he placed her on the bed she pointed to. "Okay, she seems alright for now, but try to keep and eye on her as long as you can. She might throw up, but if she starts having a seizure call me immediately, my apartment is down the street. I'll get here faster than an ambulance. She should probably get checked out tomorrow at the ER even if nothing happens, okay?" Violet nodded. He wrote down his number on a sheet of paper from her desk and handed it to her. He was being so kind to her and her friend.

   "Thank you, professor," she said. "I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there to help." He placed a hand on her cheek, brushing it with his thumb.

   "Call me if you need anything." He pulled his hand away and turned to leave.

   "Wait," she called. He stopped in his place. "Actually, nevermind."

   "No, no. I wanna hear what you were gonna say." This time he turned back around and came to face her.

   "It's nothing, just forget about it," she said. He twirled her hair around his fingers while he gazed down at her. She dropped her eyes to the floor.

   His voice dropped an octave. "Tell me." She shuddered at this, but said nothing. In her silence, he grabbed a fistful of hair at the base of her head and pulled back, forcing her to meet his eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. "What don't you understand about the words 'tell me,' sweetheart?" She was so aroused she had almost forgotten what it was she was going to say in the first place.

   "Okay, okay. I was gonna ask why you were being so nice to me, even though you think I'm a brat," she gasped out. He chuckled at this and leaned down to her ear.

   "Sweetheart, you might be a brat, but I still care about you." His voice rumbled through her body as he was so close. She could feel the heat of his breath on her ear. He moved back and released her hair. Her eyes locked onto his lips. He took notice of this and smiled. "See something you like?" He teased. Her face flushed and she tried to shove him in annoyance, but he grabbed her wrists before she could make contact. He walked her back until her back hit the wall. He let go of her wrists but immediately wrapped his hand around her throat instead, holding her in place. All that could be heard was the sound of their breaths as they stared at each other. His eyes flicked down to her lips and hers to his. He licked his lips and leaned in close, but stopped just short of kissing her. "I don't think you understand what you're getting yourself into, Violet," he grumbled. He pulled away and released her.

   She slid down onto the floor catching her breath. God, he so hot. "Don't forget to call me if something happens, okay?" His hand rested on the door knob.

"Okay," she breathed. The door shut with a 'click' as he left, leaving Violet there breathless with the remnants of her arousal. It wasn't until now that she realized it, but that was the first time he'd ever used her first name to address her. It was then that she realized how far in deep she was. She finally accepted the fact that she was incredibly attracted to her professor, and there was no going back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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