"Alright thank you for your patience. One of the students will be showing you around Ms. Bianchi. Any questions?" Said the assistant principle looking at the brunette. "No. Thank you and understanding of my grandmother's condition." Said the brunette brushing her long hair back. She heard the door open turning to see a blonde teen coming in. "Richie Foley meet Blake Bianchi. I would like for you to show her around for the day." Said the assistant principle. "Cool. Follow me." Said Richie as Blake got up. "First period hasnt started yet so let get you to the library then get to your locker. Mind if i . . ." Richie says gesturing her papers. Blake showed them to him as they walked down the hall. "Okay you got three clases with me and my friend Virgil, two with Frieda, and your last one is all on you." Said Richie looking at her. "Its fine. Is there anything i should know this school?" Said Blake. "Yeah. Theres been fights going on involving gangs and stuff. Have you gotten those at your school?" Said Richie then waved at someone that he saw. "Meh. Just shootings at rare times but mafias." Said Blake. "Really?! Thats tough." Said Richie as a dark skinned boy came over. "Virgil meet Blake. Im showing her around the school and giving her heads up." Said Richie. "Nice to meet you. What brings you here to Dakota City?" Said Virgil after shaking hands with her. "My godfather wanted me and my grandmother here to be close to him." Said Blake walking with Richie and Virgil to the library. "Have you explored around Dakota since you moved?" Said Virgil. "Just the route of me walking here." Said Blake walking in. "Maybe after school we can hangout if your okay with it." Said Richie before talking with the library assistant. "Sounds good but first i gotta talk to my Uncle if he needs help in the restaurant." Said Blake. "That's cool." Said Virgil as the bell rang. "Here are your books." Said library assistant handing them to Blake. "Thanks." Said Blake walking out with the boys. "Locker 257. Oh boy." Said Richie seeing a teen with red and blonde hair walking over. "Whos he?" Said Blake looking at him. "Francis Stone. You better watch out with him." Said Virgil. "Well. Well. Well. Fresh meat and babe at that." Said Francis looking at Blake. "So which way is our class?" Said Blake looking at Richie ignoring Francis. "Did you hear me?" Said Francis. "Yes. Faccia de merda. I'll be back. I have a headache coming on." Said Blake walking to the bathroom across the hall. She placed her backpack down looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"First day and already met an asshole." Said Blake. She saw her reflection move on its own by shrugging their shoulders and grin a little showing their sharp teeth and heard someone knocking on the door turning their head with Blake. "Blake? Are you good? We're gonna be late for class." Said Virgil. "Yeah. Coming." Said Blake grabbing her backpack walking out to see no sign of Francis. "Where's the hothead?" Said Blake. "Who knows but he's pretty steamed after you left. Takes guts." Said Richie walking with her to their class. "Dont let people like him get the best of me. If you met my godfather. You'd understand." Said Blake taking a seat next to a redish brunette with her hair on one side. "Blake. This is our friend Frieda." Said Virgil. "Nice to meet you. Did she meet Francis?" Said Frieda. "Ignored him and called him an asshole in Italian." Said Blake. "Wow." Said Freida as they all payed attention in class. The day went by as Blake found out she has two classes with Francis who sat next to her. She ignored his glances here and there which irritated her 'friend' that can relate after her first encounter with him. After the last bell rang Blake walked out of class looking for Virgil and Richie who were packing up from science class. "Going to your Uncle's." Said Richie. "Yeah and my place since its in the same building." Said Blake leading the way. She listened to the boys tell her the dos and donts in Dakota until they got to the seeing the restaurant is running slow. "Your Uncle is Giani Santoro? The owner of the best Italian restaurant in Dakota." said Richie. "Yep." said Blake walking in nod her head at the host. "In his office." said the host then glance at Virgil an Richie. "New friends at School." said Blake leading the boys to the back. "Wait here I'm gonna talk with my uncle." said Blake walking in. "Uncle Giani, need any help?" said Blake. "Love you too but no. Got everything handled. How was school? Made anyone cry, scared, or pissed?" said Giani. "I got some asshole pissed after looking at me like you look at Aunt Trixie when you bust into the room while she changes." said Blake. "That one time." said Giani. "Bullshit." said Blake. "Aye. Be lucky my brother is your Godfather." said Giani while writing on some papers. "Speaking of. He still on that business shit or whatever." said Blake. "Yes. Now get out to check on your grandma." said Giani. "Min if i have friends over? Just met them on my first day." said Blake. "Fine but dont think im gonna check you." said Giani as she left. Blake saw only Richie by the door eating a cannoli crossing her arms. "Hey. No one was around the dessert and i used tongs. Virgil had to go home to write an essay." said Richie. "Okay. Lets go to my room and do some homework." said Blake leading him upstairs to the third floor.

It was night time was Blake closed her grandmother's bedroom door after catching her sleep in her recliner on her way to her room. She looked at the fire escape thinking about going out to explore her way. "Up for a swing?" said Blake looking at her reflection. She saw her reflection giggled insanely shifting their look into a dark blue hooded body suit with the hood ripped and the black webbed design moves around slight on its own. Blake who now suited exactly like her reflection opened the window looking around for anyone in sight before crawling on the outside wall shutting her window. She crawled up close to the roof and shot out a black web across the street swinging own an shot another to a much higher building until they go the bad part of the city seeing a girl being chased own to an alley that has a dead end. "Stop being stubborn and hand over the necklace." said the guy with leather jacket stepped up. Blake lane on the roof crawling down on the wall slowly as the guys two side guys who are wearing a while shirt and the other in a tank top. "Just leave me alone. This is all i have left." said the girl. "Give it or else we'll do something you dont want happening." said the guy in the white shirt. "Not happening pendejos." said the girl getting a large hand wrapped around her neck lifting her up. "Wrong answer." said the guy in the lather jacket. "Uh boss?" said the guy in the tank top seeing Blake on the wall. They all looked up to see her letting out a hiss showing her sharp teeth and long tongue ripping with saliva before jumping up very high up and land down on the left side of the leader holding the girl showing herself slowly standing up. "What are supposed Gahh!" Blake grabbed his neck the same way he was holding the girl making him let go of her to pry her hand off but grunt in pain feeling her very long sharp claws. "We are Verena. Now if we ever see you or those buddies of yours who looked to be ready to shit themselves. You will be found unrecognizable once we are one with you not even go can save you from us. Got it?" said Blake with her voice morphed with deep raspy echo like voice known as Verena. She gripped onto his neck while the girl watched the whole scene in front of her slowly backing into the corner of the alley. "I can kill you right now if i wanted to. Freaky Bitch." said the leader then looked very pale once Blake/Verena opened her mouth like a snake extending her tongue out to lick the se of his face slowly hissing. "I never tasted a human before but sounds to me like you want me to eat you." said Blake/Verena. "NO. NO. NO. Please we'll back off an wont come around here again I fucking swear on my life." said the leader. "Then i better not hear the trouble your in involving a situation you boys cause will be dealt with my friends. now. GO!" said Blake/Verena throwing him with the two men who were frozen in place knocking them out cold. Verena looked at the girl who was curled up tilting her head reaching her hand out to help her stand up. "You hurt?" said Verena/Blake. "No but thanks for that." said the girl. "Thats a first time anyone told us that. You need a ride home?" said Blake/Verena. "I can call up my mom. Im Teresa by the way." said Teresa looking at her with the fear fading away. "You call me Verena. That's my anti hero name. See ya around." said Blake/Verena shooting a web out launch herself up swing off. 

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