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Next Morning-

They went to meet the girl

Boy-Eomma I have a secret

Boy's Eomma-What is it

Boy-I like that girl she is pretty

Boy's Eomma-Oh will you marry her(she smiled)

Boy-Maybe if she accepts me

Boy's Eomma-Doctor where is she

Doctor-Um 2 hours ago she ran away from the hospital

Boy's Eomma-What

Boy-Eomma is everything fine

Boy's Eomma-Wait Sweetie

Boy's Eomma-Where is she now

Doctor-We don't know

Doctor-We searched everywhere we can't find her

Boy's Eomma-But You just lose someone

Doctor-But we can't find her

Doctor-And we also need the payment for the treatment

Boy's Eomma-The doctor's here are heartless

Boy's Eomma-Here is the money (she gave him)

Boy-Eomma where is she

Boy's Eomma-Let's go to the park where went last night

Boy-But what about the girl

Boy's Eomma-We will meet her later


They went to the park

Boy's Eomma-Sweetie wait here I'm going to check if the car is closed

Boy-Okay(a bit sad about the girl)

Boy's Eomma went to check

The Boy saw a girl standing alone near the shore

He went closer to her and tapped her shoulder

She turned it was the same girl.

Boy-It's you

Y/n-Oh you are the person who saved me

Y/n-I waited for you

Y/n-take this(giving him a heart necklace)

The Boy saw it and looked at her confused

Y/n-A thank you for helping me

She was going to walk away

But he caught her wrist

She looked at him

Boy-Where are you going

Y/n-Somewhere no can find me

She kissed his left cheek and ran away

He stared at how beautiful she was

Boy's Eomma-Sweetie why did you go there

Boy-Um nothing I thought I saw a bird(kept the necklace in his pocket)

Boy's Eomma-Okay let's go

Flashback ended-----------

Y/n woke scared at 12:00 in the night 

Jungwon saw her up

Jungwon-What happened

Jungwon-Why are you crying

Y/n-He's gone and my parent's 

Jungwon wiped her tears

Jungwon pulled her closer  to him

Her head was on his chest 

Jungwon-It's okay go to sleep 

She slept in his arms

Jungwon saw her sleeping and slept.




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