Chapter 2

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"Jesus fucking Christ Evan, are you even good for anything!?!" Eric grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall, my small hands desperately clawing at his hand around my neck. I tried gasping for air, but I couldn't. I kicked my legs at him, but he was unphased.

He spit in my face before throwing me down to the ground, "I could kill you so easily, but there's no fun in that."

"You always say that, but you never fucking do it." I rubbed my throat, I couldn't take his shit anymore. "If you're so sure you could kill me, fucking do it, stop being such a bitch about it."

Eric grabbed me by my shirt and picked me up to meet his eye level, "What did you say!?! Say it again, I fucking dare you!"

I gripped his arm, trying to stay still and hold my ground even though my feet couldn't touch the ground. I looked him dead in the eyes, "Stop. Being. Such. A. Bitch. About. It."

He yelled out in frustration and threw me against the wall, I cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground.

I shot up straight in bed, screaming, tears streaming down my face.

Dane quickly sat up and shook his head to wake up, he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. "Baby?? Are you okay?? What's wrong? Daddy's here, shhhh" he cradled and rocked me, I buried my face in his chest and just sobbed.

We stayed like this until my sobs settled into soft cries. Dane gently rubbed my back and whispered how much he loved me into my ear.

I hadn't had a nightmare in so long, pretty much since Dane and I had gotten together. I took some deep breaths to level out my breathing, taking in Dane's scent. He just made everything better, all my troubles melted away when I was with him.

"D-Daddy?" I looked up at him, tears still in my eyes.

"Yes my sweet baby boy?" Dane gently wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"Bad dream... Saw Eric... Scawy..." I felt myself about to cry again, gripping onto Dane tightly.

He smoothed my hair and caressed my cheeks with both his hands, kissing my nose. "He can't hurt you anymore, he's gone. Plus, Daddy will never let anyone hurt you ever again."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes, I trusted him. I had never trusted anyone as much as I trust him, he's proved himself more than enough. I took a deep breath and layed my head against Dane's shoulder.

"It's okay my sweet boy, are you hungry at all? We have plenty of time before we need to leave for Nate and Willow's."

I nodded softly, just breathing in his scent with my eyes closed. He picked me up, cradling me in his arms.

He carried me to the livingroom, holding me tightly. I nuzzled my nose against his neck, enjoying being so close to him. He sat us on the couch and grabbed the remote, flipping the TV on and putting on Fish hooks. He kissed the top of my head and I pulled my head away just enough to see the TV.

"Can daddy go make breakfast baby boy?" He asked softly.

"Mm, yeah daddy, I otay." I was already sucked into the show.

He gently set me on the couch before getting up, he went to the nursery and grabbed Chip, my big shark stuffie and brought him to me.

I squealed with joy and took Chip from him, snuggling him super tight. Dane laughed softly and gave me a fluffy blankie too, he was the bestest daddy ever!

Dane went to the kitchen to start breakfast, I was so impressed with how much better at cooking he had gotten. He had been trying really hard and I appreciated it so much, his cooking was so yummy now!

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