Chapter 6

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Note from The Author: If you guys don't know yet, this is going to be a harem fanfic, yes, you heard me right, this is not only a reincarnation fanfic. The women of Saitama/Takashi's harem going to be Fubuki, Captain Mizuki, Swim, and Mosquito Girl since those four are my favorite waifus in One-Punch-Man, but there some other waifus I also love, but it's too much so I'll only include these four, and maybe Tatsumaki since the fanbase love Saitatsu, but I do prefer more Saibuki. Don't get me wrong, I also love Saitatsu, but I prefer Saibuki more because in my opinion, Saibuki is cute, romantic, and wholesome while Saitatsu is cute and wholesome only, so I prefer Saibuki since it has those three categories in my mind only. I mean, Saitatsu can also be romantic, but Saibuki is more romantic than cute. Anyways, keep liking the chapters!

Disclaimer: One-Punch-Man characters belongs to the creator himself, ONE.





Chapter 6:
The Sparring Match, The Terrorist Attack and The Mysterious Ninja.

Saitama was explaining everything to Genos that Mosquito Girl was no longer evil, and she was also forced to kill people for Dr. Genus.

"I see, well, I apologize for my hostility." Said Genos.

"I-It's fine... I do appreciate you guys for destroying the House of Evolution, I always wanted it to be gone." Mosquito Girl replied with a sad tone.

"You're welcome. Also, can I ask you something? How and why did you end up at the House of Evolution anyway?" Saitama curiously asked.

"... When I was a normal human being, my parents were killed by one of Genus's greatest creation, Endless Phantom." She replied, while Saitama and Genos were surprised by what she said. "And then after that, I was taken, and made into a bug monster, by Genus... I always hated him, for kidnapping me, and for killing my family... I thank you for destroying that horrible place..." She said as she was getting a little emotional and started crying.

"I see... Sorry for your family..." Said Saitama feeling bad for her.

'She's... The same as me...' Genos thought, while having flashbacks when the Mad Cyborg killed his family, and was also feeling bad.

"I-it's fine... I'm glad that hellish organization is now gone... And at the same time, I don't know what to do after that..." She said while wiping her tears off, still feeling sad.

"Well, in that case, you can stay with us if you like." Said Saitama with a smile.

"R-Really...?" She asked.

"Yep, well since you don't have a place stay in, just live with us." Saitama replied, as she was smiling while she had a tear drop on her eye.

"Thank you..." She said with a smile.

"Although, the problem is, we don't have a third futon for you. Teacher, we might have to buy one for her." Said Genos.

"Oh, right. Well, is it okay that you'll stay on my futon for now?" Saitama asked her.

"Oh, okay, but where will you sleep?" She asked.

One-Punch Man: Reincarnated as Saitama. (Season Prologue)Where stories live. Discover now