Sepia-toned Memories

Start from the beginning


It is now 5pm, Pearl and Sepia are standing in line, wait for their turn to get backstage and ready for the contest. With them in line are also bands that would soon become hits, even without Shy-Ho-Shy as their producer. Such bands include Chirpy Chips, at this time called ABXY, High Tide Era, even Wet Floor. Pearl stands behind Sepia, with her guitar in its case on her back. After a while of waiting, two Inklings walk up to them. They both look to be around 13, if they are competing, they are probably the youngest ones here. One has black and pink tentacles that reach down to the ground and the other has white and green tentacles that are styled in a sort of bowlcut with the bangs covering her eyes. They are both wearing sparkly kimonos.

"Hi!!" the black and pink inkling greets Pearl and Sepia. "Are you two also taking part in this competition?" She asks.

"Yeah we are, I am Pearl and this is Sepia, who are you two?" Pearl responds with a smile.

"I am Callie and this is my cousin Marie and we are the Calamari Cousins!" Callie responds excitedly, pumping her arms in the air while Marie just stands there, seemingly a bit embarrassed by her cousin.

"That's great! Me and Sepia are the Contrasting Tones, I can't wait to see what you tw-" Pearl is cut off by Sepia before she could continue.

"Yeah yeah, no one cares about you twerps, get to the back of the line like everyone else." Sepia said coldly, not even looking at them. Callie, Marie, and Pearl are all in shock from what Sepia said.

"Okay, yeah we will head to the back of line now, nice talking to you." Callie said quickly and left with Marie. Pearl glares at Sepia.

"The hell was that about? They were just having a conversation?" Pearl almost yelled.

"Pearl, they are our opponents, they don't deserve special treatment, no matter how cute they are." Sepia said, remaining calm and in a matter of the fact way. Pearl lets out a flabbergasted gasp.

"Sepia, having a conversation isn't giving them special treatment? And just because we are technically opponents doesn't mean we have to be rude, we might even work together in the future." Pearl retorted. Sepia sighs loudly, almost groans. She then turns to face Pearl.

"Why do you always have to be like this, Pearl?" Sepia crosses her arms.

"Like what?" Pearl asks with genuine confusion.

"Like a contrarian. Would it fucking kill you to just agree with me for once?" Sepia loses her cool for a moment. Pearl places her hand on Sepia's shoulder.

"Sep, we agree on a lot of things. We have similar tastes in music, we both don't like pulp in orange juice, we both love action movies, we just have disagreements sometimes. That's normal!" Pearl smiles at Sepia. Sepia only pulls away from Pearl.

"We only agree on small things that do not matter in the slightest. Every important thing you always disagree with me." Sepia said with a huff, now facing away from Pearl. Pearl groans.

"I am not disagreeing on purpose, I just happen to disagree, that's fine and normal! Am I not allowed to disagree?" Pearl responded. Sepia glares at Pearl.

"No, you shouldn't be allowed to!" Sepia pokes Pearl. "Without me, you would actually be NOTHING! You would just be another nepo-baby, another industry plant with no fucking talent, I am what made you who you are now and you shouldn't have the gall to dare disagree when I could end this partnership right, fucking, now!" Sepia shouted while repeatedly poking Pearl. The commotion has captured the attention of everyone around. Pearl slinks down. "Not again..." Pearl thinks to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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