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Mildly idk cracked?

The two stood at the near top of the arena to get a well-off view of the 4th round. The shorter of the two kept flexing his right hand.

It was white with intricate blue and gold patterns, much to the designer's pleasure. He frowned slightly, Poseidon took notice of this.

"Is it not to your liking?"
Y/N shook his head and side eyed him.
"No, it's strange that's all;"

He looked at him, "I can still feel but without the heat and squishy-ness, as if my hand is still here."

"Is that so?"

He nodded, while they both looked back at the London themed arena- well old London.

"He's a strange person, that Jack, gruesome pleasures too." He shivered at the though of being in the same room as him.

'Interesting wording.'

Pure good vs pure evil, which will be victorious? Fiddling with his fingers Y/N watched closely as Jack was running circles around Hercules.

Poseidon grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Sir?" He blinked confused half paying attention to the blonde.

He squeezed harder blankly watching his hand and turned it around.
"It wasn't that hard?"

He pulled his arm back, rubbing where it was hurt. "Still relatively new and not as movable as flesh."

A crash and the sound of people exclaiming made them both look back at the arena, lots of things were broken and Hercules was looking different.

Like his weapon and tattoo the now strung over him almost entirely, "Oh my."

Poseidon scoffed and Y/N looked at him, he was definitely closer than before.

At full height, their height difference wasn't all that big but it still pissed Y/N off at how tall the blonde was.

He held his waist and they moved back, while a big ass piece of debris flew past them, almost knocking them in the face.

"Fucking hell man!"
Dust went into Y/N's eyes and he turned his head towards Poseidon's chest.

Rubbing his eyes with his free hand he grunted loudly and blinked many times and like in true Wattpad fanfiction fashion he had both his hands on his chest.

With the realization yet to set, both focused back on the battle. Y/N leaned his head slightly as he was getting tired.


"I have been awake for a week and a half now, may I please just-"

Poseidon scoffed and looked back at the fight at hand. Y/N took that as to just keep standing like that slowly closing his eyes and just to rest a while.

He was annoyed with the extra weight on his chest but patted his head and watched as the heroic demi-God fell  to the hands of a silver haired crack addict.


Y/N woke and he was in his room, back at Poseidon's castle, in his Pj's? He processed the fact he had a change of clothes.


His face heated up and he buried his face in a pillow and screamed.
The door opened to reveal Aalto with a tray with tea on it.

"Ah, you are awake, lovely."

His red face was visible from the top of the pillow, the older butler gave a slight laugh and waved his hand.

"I won't tell you who changed you, as to spare you from more embarrassment."

He handed him the tea and informed him of what he had missed. It's been a few days since the last fight and he woke up just in time for the 6th fight to begin.

They watched on hjs phone and the beginning announcement was wow.
"That fucking traitor!"

'well then.'

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