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"You must be new, love seeing a new face around." A woman walked up to me.

I smiled at her and nodded.

"May I be a bother and ask for your name? I'm Robbins."

"Dr Dawn." I moved my hand out for a handshake

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Dawn." She shakes your hand, "and if I may ask, is your specialty?"

"Ortho and Cardio." I smiled

"Cardio eh? So if I had a problem with my heart you'd be the gal I'd want to see?" She smiled

"That's right!" I laughed

"So if I said I had a feeling in my heart that wasn't quite right, would you be able to help?" She smiled

"Of course, but let's not wish that on ourselves." I raised an eyebrow

"I don't know, a beautiful woman like you checking on me wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." She had a flirtatious tone.

"I have to meet my residents, see you later." I said trying to avoid the flirtatious conversation

She giggled and said "Alright, goodbye Doctor Dawn, you're not going to be hard to forget!"

"Hopefully i'm not." I smirked

"I think I'll have to come and visit the office again soon, you know...just because." The look she gave was almost taunting you to respond.

"Just because of what?"

"Just because, maybe I could start feeling my heart acting strangely?" She smirked and chuckled.

"Pardon?" I raised an eyebrow

"Oh you know, maybe I'll start having heart problems and be forced to work with you and have you check me out." She laughs and does a playful wink.

"Excuse me then." I walked off confused

She calls after you, "Wait, can I get your number? In case my heart decides to suddenly act funny. I think you're the only one that can make me feel better." She had a teasing grin.

"Oh leave it robbins." I tried to walk off again

"It's only just a small piece of information, I'm not asking for your soul!" She chuckled, "Besides, you think I'm cute right?" She tilted her head and did another flirtatious grin.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes

"Aha! I saw that roll of eyes, but you said sure, meaning you think I'm cute." She playfully stuck her tongue out.

"That was sarcastic" I tutted

"So you don't think I'm cute?" She feigns offense.

I got paged

"911." I said to myself, I ran to the trauma unit downstairs

"Dr hunt, where do you need me?" I asked quickly

"We received a trauma patient coming in with multiple fractures and lacerations. I need you to assist me in the OR. She's a 28 year old with a history of cancer. I'm expecting it to be intense, so I need you to be focused. Can you do that?"

"Yes sir." I said

"Good. We're expecting them pretty quickly, so get yourself situated and ready for what's coming. It'll be a long night."

I began to get my gown and gloves on, and my hair tied back.

*The door to the OR slams open, the wheels of a stretcher rushing inside. A few minutes later, a team of EMS workers begins to prep the trauma patient. You can tell just by looking at her she's in bad shape.*

"Description?" I quickly asked

"Female, 28, history of cancer - severe wounds to the abdomen, extensive lacerations. Multiple contusions as well. Looks like she'll need multiple surgeries with a possible chance of reconstructive orthopedic surgery. No signs of internal bleeding at the moment. No signs of head trauma either. Patient is conscious, may be combative."

I grabbed the tablet off them, "Trauma room three."

"Good. Get her ready. I want a urine sample to run a drug panel, complete blood count, complete metabolic panel, a chest x-ray, and an abdominal x-ray. She's also going to need tetanus and rabies prophylaxis, and an IV and a line started. After that, I want to focus on stabilizing her. I'm going to need you to run interference if she's combative. Remember what I said, a long night."

Arizona Robbins x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now