Sonic: Woah you can really move when you want to!

1 goes to squash Sonic with its hammer but instead hears a clunk noise.

Y/N is holding up the hammer keeping it from squashing Sonic.

"Sonic." They said in their robotic voice.

Sonic looks up, surprised to see Y/N stepping in to help him.

Sonic: Hey, it's you, Y/N! Thanks for the save.

Y/N: Protect... Sonic... companion...

Tails comes out of the sky and picks up Sonic, Y/N runs close behind.

Sonic: Tails!

Tails smiles.

Tails: Could you not, risk your life for 5 minutes?

Sonic: Sure but where's the fun in that?

Y/N pulls out a small device with a button in the middle, they press it, and it elongates into a metal pole, they ready to vault over to the rooftop Sonic and Tails are gonna land on.

With precision and grace, Y/N plants the metal pole firmly on the ground and propels themselves forward with a powerful jump. Using the pole as leverage, they soar through the air with agility and speed, effortlessly clearing the distance to the rooftop where Sonic and Tails are landing. As they land gracefully, the metal pole retracts back into the device in their hand with a smooth and fluid motion, showcasing their expert control and skill. Y/N flashes a determined gaze as they join Sonic and Tails on the rooftop. They set it back into their utility belt.

Sonic: Seriously, thx for the save guys.

Tails: No problem, Sonic. Y/N's quick thinking definitely saved the day back there.

Y/N nods in agreement, their robotic gaze reflecting a sense of pride and satisfaction in their actions.

Y/N: Protect... companion...

Tails: Y/N scan the status of the town.

Y/N's stand there for a few seconds before turning back to the two.

Y/N: Badnik level is low thanks to Sonic, The Town Milita can handle the rest of the small ones.

Y/N points to the Big Badniks heading to them.

Y/N: Them on the other hand are a different story.

Tails: So, what you're saying they should be left to the professionals.

Y/N looks at Tails confused.

Y/N: Aren't we the professionals?

Sonic nudges Tails.

Sonic: Still haven't plugged in a sense of humor for them?

Tails chuckles at Sonic's comment, knowing that Y/N still has some ways to go in understanding humor.

Tails: Looks like we have some work to do in that department. 

Sonic and Y/N begin spin dashing rapidly in the air, in each other spinning at beyond super Sonic speeds.

Tails and Sonic tore through the Super Badniks with incredible speed and precision. Sonic's lightning-fast movements and Tails' aerial prowess created a whirlwind of destruction as they fought back against the robotic enemies. The duo worked in perfect harmony, with Tails providing support from above while Sonic darted in and out of the Badniks, delivering powerful strikes with his signature spin attack. Each enemy that crossed their path was quickly disposed of, leaving a trail of sparks and debris in their wake. Together, Tails and Sonic made quick work of the Super Badniks, proving once again that their teamwork and skill were unmatched.

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