Noticing the apprehensive look that came about her face, tommy furrowed his eyebrows as he turnt around attempting to follow her eye-line.
He assumed he was successful when he met a wealthy looking man, with a livid expression on his face. And not to mention he was rapidly descending towards the pair. "Stan" Charlotte chuckled, nervously might i say.
"Came here to surprise you, didn't expect to see you caught up with company." a cockney accent responded, sarcastically.
"i'll be with you in a second, i promise" she spoke, evidently slightly stressed at the situation in-front of her. "Charlotte" Stanley voiced, significantly more sternly this time.
"she said she'll be with you in a minute" tommy added, growing more agitated by the second.
"do you speak for her now?" he scoffed, clearly matching tommy's agitated status.
"so you've just met this man and your letting him speak for you?" he chuckled watching as a look of amusement formed on tommy's face.
"you've just met this man" aha if only you knew.
"no i haven't" she tried however he cut her off once more.
"oh so this is him is it?" he scoffed. "Stanley stop it, you don't know what he's like just leave it" she whispered sternly under her breath.
"the prick who broke your heart for a pity fuck" he stated sternly.
Charlotte winced at his naivety and fucking stupidity.
"What did you just say?" tommy questioned, as charlotte recognised the familiar look of fury in his eyes.
"What's going on 'ere brother?" Arthur questioned, making his presence known. "Nothing, Stan was just leaving" she falsely smiled, before squeezing tommy's hand gently out of stanley's sight as if to say, please don't start anything here. Watching as he let out a huff of frustrated air, he glanced at her one last time before walking away and leaving the club.
"I didn't sleep with her Charlotte" Tommy stated, charlotte knew he was telling the truth, firstly because she could always tell when he was lying but secondly because he called her Charlotte, something he little to never called her. "I know" she nodded "he misjudged what i told him" she added before glancing back over to the door.
"I better go" she sighed, hugging Arthur and john before lightly smiling to tommy in civility. "Be careful Lottie" he rasped, inhaling deeply. The boys didn't even need to watch her out, they knew she had left just by the roars and camera flashes outside the club.

The next morning, Charlotte sat with Ada in her apartment. Ever since Ada had moved to London the girls saw each-other at-least weekly but most likely multiple times. Making up for time missed whilst Charlotte was galavanting around Hollywood.
"You seem down today Lottie, is everything okay?" ada asked her, intently watching the girl.
"I saw your brother yesterday" charlotte told her, watching as a apprehensive look took place on the Shelby girls face. "And?" she responded, eager to find out how it went. "Well it went exactly how i thought it would go i suppose, i was surprised to see how hurt he looked though" she shrugged, glancing over to the girl. "How do you tell? he makes it so bloody difficult to read him" ada questioned, ever since Charlotte had left,she always struggled in knowing when he was putting on a front and when he wasn't. "his eyes" was all she said, sighing heavily.
"what else aren't you telling me?" ada frowned at the girls expression.
"Well Stanley turned up,wasn't the most pleasant of times" she chuckled sarcastically, however they were both fully aware she didn't find one bit of this funny. "but that's not why your upset?" she continued, reading her like a book.
"I promised myself, that would be my last time falling in love." she sighed, shutting her eyes for a split second.
"Have you fallen in love again though Lottie?" Charlotte glanced down at the floor, picking at her nails.
"He's kind to me and I have love for him" she rasped. "but he's not tommy."
ada finished for her, watching as a knowing look took place on the windsor girls face as she lightly nodded her head in reply.
"you miss him" ada stated.
"i didn't think i did, i thought i was done with it all" she sighed, in disapproval of the whole situation.
"absence makes the love grow fonder" ada shrugged "but lotts, as his sister i hope you forgive him because i know how sorry he is but as your best-friend i hope you never speak to him again" she abruptly spoke,watching as charlotte bit her nails anxiously.
Thomas Shelby, what have you done.

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