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I try to control my breathing, try to calm down but nothing is helping.

If those photos are published, it would mean hell for us.

I need to calm down and think of a way to delete those photos. And i can't do that blinded by my anger.

I take a deep breath and exhale, calming myself.

First, i go to my room, careful to get on my floor unnoticed and slip into my room, locking the door with a key.

I switch on the light and find my room cleaned up, the whole view of the city, welcoming me from the tinted glass window

I change into a nightgown and pull my hair down, the headache finally going away.

I take my phone from my nightstand and make a phone call, calling the only person who can help me

Okay, now what can i do?

Next week. Next week, there will be the masquerade he will for sure attend, and all his stuff will be there.

Jett mentioned a small timid that he never carries his phone around and leaves it up in his room, when she was trying to call him once.

I can try and sneak up to his room and delete the photos. I got in touch with a friend of mine to hack his iCloud, but apparently, i need to have the phone on my hand to be able to because he has high security protection in his iCloud. Ugh, of course he does.

So, the only way to do this is to break in into Sentor Mori's son's room, in which if i'm caught, i might cause some serious trouble and have to tell the truth, causing even more chaos.

I can't tell anyone from my family. My parents will go for their throats and Senator Mori isn't someone you want as an enemy and i love Jett and don't want to be forced away from her.

If i tell Cole, he will kill someone, probably cooperating with Oliver, and Lotta can't keep secrets.

Ugh, i feel so fucking trapped. At least there's Mio who knows. My hacker friend. The one i asked for help. If she can help me pull this up, i'll owe her for life.

Until then, i'll have to wait for a week and formulate a good plan.

If this plan doesn't work, i'll have no choice but to bow to him.

Come to Thunder Bay Why would he want that from me? What does he earn with me being there?

I lay on the chaise longue, watching the whole city in front of me. One of my room's wall is completely tinted bulletproof glass, that way i can see the whole city.

In the end of the bridge, you could see the small seaside town with huge secrets. Thunder Bay.

I asked Mio for his file, every thing about him.

Of course, in a matter of seconds, she found it and sent it to me.

If you want to beat your enemy, you have to know everything about them

I open the file and unravel everything about him

Name:Madden Fox Mori

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