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Dinah looked at Chantel, who could tell she was nervous walking the hospital. Of course she was, since the last time she was here was the night Spencer was shot, and landing in the hospital herself. Dinah would rather do anything else than to step foot into a hospital again. But now, it was Jordan who was taking his turn in the hospital bed now. And it giving her the most triggering sense of deja vu. 

"I'm okay, we just need to find everyone and make sure he's okay" 

The duo walk into the as Dinah kept her stare steady towards the waiting room, her eyes first searched for the Bakers, but instead she saw Simone with a worried ridden look on her face, pacing back and forth, she trudged towards her with agility "Simone" 

The girls hugged, Dinah rubbing her back comfortingly. She could only imagine what was running through the ebony's mind "What the hell happened?" 

"Dante hit him during the game and the impact was pretty rough" Simone told her, her voice nearly cracking "He hasn't woken up yet" 

"Shit" Dinah cursed, she looked around. She looked to see Liv and Spencer talking in the corner "I'm going to go check on them, you're going to be alright?" 

Simone nodded before going back to join Laura and Coach Baker, Dinah cleared her throat before waltzing towards Spencer and Liv, she felt herself become nervous as she walked closer towards the duo. 


"Hey sis" Spencer says bringing her into a hug, her eyes met Olivia's gaze, her brown orbs giving her flashbacks of them being full of despair and pain. But this time Olivia's eyes looked a bit brighter this time, despite the current circumstance   "I can't believe you came all the way here" 

Dinah shook her head "No, Jordan's family..I want to be here, and plus...I already did my part for the fundraiser and I was only home for a day" 

"What about your family?" 

"They understood" 

"I'm glad you're here then" Spencer smiled at her. 

"I heard you were a beast at the last game, a little birdie says you broke your dad's record?" 

Spencer bent his head downward, trying to stay a humble as usual. Dinah knew that an accomplishment like that was a beautiful yet a bit sentimental, Corey would've been proud "It was bittersweet" 

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